The Tower of London

The more formal name of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London is probably a better representation of what you will see if you visit the Tower of London. It is actually a castle complex with several buildings and not just a tower as you might expect when you first hear the name. It is certainly one of the busiest tourist locations in London and has quite a fascinating history. Enjoying a tour by an expert guide dressed in colorful clothing will provide you an understanding of the almost one thousand year history of the Tower of London.

Walking the Fortress Grounds
The White (Great) Tower
Historically Dressed Tour Guide

Construction of the Tower began in 1078 and the castle was enhanced and modified over the following centuries. The complex served as a castle, fortress, prison, and palace, but today it is a museum that is visited by hundreds of tourists on a daily basis. In 1240, King Henry III made the Tower of London his home and whitewashed the Great Tower, which is now called the White Tower. He also added a church, great hall, and several other buildings. It truly was a castle that was fit for a king.

Looking Up at the White Tower
Castle Exterior
Walking Inside of the Fortress

Although it was considered a prison, it was really more of a place where prisoners were held before being executed. There is even an executioners axe and block on display from the time when crowds would gather to watch people being beheaded. One of the most famous executions, of which there were many, was of Queen Anne Boleyn in 1536. As it was also a fortress, one of the sights you will see when touring the complex is the armory. Seeing all of the weapons will give you a sense of the history of the instruments of warfare as well as the knights with their suits of armor.

Executioners Axe
Knights Armor
Modern Guard

It is hard to believe that it has been over a decade since we visited London, but certainly the Tower of London was a highlight of our time there. Not surprisingly, it was rainy while we were there, but we did have a great view of the Tower Bridge as well. With its interesting architecture as well as its complex and interesting history, the Tower of London should be on the itinerary of anyone planning a visit to London.

Tower Bridge
Historic Grounds
Busy Entrance



The Louvre in Paris, France – An Art Lovers Paradise

We are not art aficionados, but we do really enjoy and appreciate art. Needless to say, one should not go to Paris without visiting the Louvre. It is definitely a museum that you could visit a hundred times and always see and find something new. Of course there is the Mona Lisa, which draws huge lines to see, but there is so much more. Paintings, statues, and other works of art from all of the masters such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini, and Rembrandt, just to name a few.

The Mona Lisa
Saint Michael Archangel
Us Outside of the Louvre
Winged Victory

Obviously, art museums should be visited whenever you go to any major city, they contain a rich heritage of our human existence.  In some ways, looking at art is like drinking wine.  It isn’t about who the artist is, what the subject is, whether it is traditional, modern, abstract, or how critically acclaimed a piece may be.  What matters is in the eye of the beholder.  As they say, drink a wine that you like, not one that is expensive or is “supposed” to go with a specific food, so should you treat your art experience, find what you like and devour that.  Art should move you on the inside and the best art pieces will leave a lasting impression on your soul.

A Roman (or Greek, We’re Not Sure) Bust
Painting of Madonna and Child
Christ on the Cross
Dramatic Painting

Take time to take a look at the architecture of the Louvre.  It is a former palace, before Louis XIV moved to the Palace of Versailles, and the buildings themselves are exquisite.  If you’ve seen the movie, the Da Vinci Code, you’re very familiar with the Louvre Pyramid.  It certainly stands in stark contrast to the Louvre itself with its modern feel, but we didn’t find it to be “a scar on the face of Paris”, but again, we’re not Parisian.  It is part of the whole experience, so take time to stand in the courtyard and enjoy the grandeur of it all.

The Louvre Exterior
Louvre Entrance
Death of Christ

If you are an art scholar, student, art enthusiast, or simply someone who likes art, the Louvre is a must to visit.  If you have the time, sit in front of the paintings, absorb them, take in the details, just don’t rush off to the next one on the list.  For that matter, take the list of art with you so that you can be sure to see some of the more famous pieces, but don’t use that as your guide.  Stop and look at artwork that grabs your attention, that speaks to you, don’t let others decide for you which pieces you should see.  Someday soon we’ll be back to Paris, it is one of, if not the, favorite city we’ve ever had the pleasure to enjoy and the Louvre will be part of our return trip.

Painting of an Ancient Crowd
Classical Pose
Perseus rescuing Andromeda

Stratford-upon-Avon in England

With the birthplace and gravesite of Shakespeare, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and historic Tudor buildings, Stratford-upon-Avon is a wonderful town in England to visit. It gets its name because it is located on the River Avon and is sometimes simply referred to as Stratford. Located in the county of Warwickshire, there is also the Warwick Castle nearby, which is definitely worth visiting as well. Although it is definitely a tourist destination, we went during the off-season and enjoyed sharing the streets with more locals than tourists.

Shakespeare’s Birthplace in Stratford-Upon-Avon
Swan Theatre
Gathering Around City Hall

Obviously, seeing the birthplace of Shakespeare is a highlight of any visit to Stratford-upon-Avon. The house where Shakespeare was born in 1564 is located on Henley Street, which is part of the historic section of the town. The timbered house has been restored and looks very much today as it might have in the 16th century when Shakespeare was a child. There is also the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and Swan Theatre where performances still occur throughout the year, but especially over the summer months featuring many famous actors. With over two million visitors per year, Stratford-upon-Avon can be quite busy.

Storefronts in Town
Christmas Market in Stratford-upon-Avon
Downtown Stratford-upon-Avon

We were in Stratford-upon-Avon during the holiday season, so there was a Christmas market and the town was decorated for the holidays. We also were there to watch the mayor kick off the holiday season as people gathered around the town hall. There were also many stores that featured holiday gifts as well as other typical shops selling items for tourists. Perhaps even better were the various pubs that were offering mulled wine to keep us warm on a cold autumn evening.

Punch and Judy Show
Tower at Warwick Castle
English Countryside in Warwickshire

We spent a couple of days in Stratford-upon-Avon visiting the historic town and seeing the impressive Warwick Castle before catching a train to continue on to Manchester. Seeing the English countryside and the historic buildings was certainly one of our favorite parts of our trip to England several years ago.