How to See Wildlife When Hiking

We’ve been hiking in the mountains for years and have been fortunate to see our share of wildlife. Even better, we haven’t seen any bears or mountain lions, but we’ve come across fresh tracks and have been pretty certain that they’ve seen us. They say that if you hike in the mountains of Colorado, on about one out of ten hikes, a mountain lion has seen you, even though you don’t see them. With that in mind, we thought we’d share some tips to help you see wildlife when you hike, but always put safety first.  Seasoned hikers will likely notice that most of these tips are in complete contrast to the tips for avoiding bears when hiking.  If you’re hiking in bear country, always talk to the rangers and find out where there have been recent sightings and where the bears are most likely to be active.  Never intentionally put yourself in harm’s way.

Black Bear in Yellowstone
Mule Deer next to Trail
  1. Be extremely observant – This is probably the most obvious, but if you’re not constantly scanning the area around, you’re likely walking by animals without even knowing it.  It is always best if you see the animals before they see you, especially if there is even a remote chance that the animal could harm you, which is almost always the case.  Almost any animal when startled or threatened has the potential to attack, so seeing them first allows you to control the situation.

    Wild Turkeys
  2. Don’t make a lot of noise, talking in quieter voices.  You don’t have to be completely silent, in fact we’d recommend that you make some noise and talk, just a normal pitch.  If you’re making some noise, you’re less likely to startle an animal that perhaps you didn’t see, but still be quiet enough not to spook an animal that is farther away.  There was one time when we were hiking near Beaver Creek, Colorado, when we ended up startling a young doe, even though we were talking and not being overly quiet.  The deer literally ran into us as she made here escape, scaring us as much as we scared her.
    Blending in with the Trees

    Deer Checking Us Out
  3. Hike in smaller groups, usually three or less.  Pretty much for the same reason as number two, the larger the group, the more noise that you make.  Also, the more people in the group, the more motion that you make, the more reflective surfaces to catch the sun, the more noticeable that you are.  Remember, the animals are watching for you as much as you might be searching for them.  Just as you are more likely to notice a herd of deer versus as single deer, so is it true of them seeing you.
    Warning Sign

    Mom with Baby Ducks
  4. Watch for anything that moves.  Being observant and scanning the horizon isn’t always enough, you need to pay attention to any motion that see.  Sure, more often than not, it will be caused by the wind, but the animals are camouflaged, making them hard to see.  What at first seems like the rustling of a leaf, might just turn out to be the wiggling of an ear.  And if you see one animal, be extra careful, there are probably several more just out of sight.
    Laying in the Grass

    Trying to Hide
  5. Hike more remote, less frequented, trails.  It doesn’t do any good to do everything possible to see wildlife if there are a hundred hikers in front of you doing the exact opposite.  Getting away from roads, towns, and most importantly other hikers, will definitely increase your chances of seeing wildlife.  Be smart, though, carry bear spray, phone, flashlight, compass, and extra food if you’re heading into remote areas.  We always stay on well-marked trails and don’t go venturing off into the woods.  The national forest system in Colorado is huge and you could easily get yourself lost for days if decide to go trailblazing.
    Big Horn Sheep Up Close

    Majestic Moose in Yellowstone
  6.  Hike near dawn or dusk.  Animals are always most active around these times, so be extra alert when hiking at these times of day.  Light can be an issue as the shadows are longer and it isn’t as easy to see off into the distance.  Take your time when hiking during these times so that you don’t startle an animal that you didn’t see as well as to give yourself time to truly see what is around you.
    Birds are Wildlife Too

    Hard to See
  7. Carry binoculars or camera with a telephoto lens.  Obviously it makes it easier to see animals in the distance if you can zoom in and focus closer on them.  It is also the safest way to observe animals without putting yourself at risk.  We’re not professional photographers, but we did invest in a telephoto lens a few years ago and it was one of the best investments we’ve made.
    Grizzly Bear Shot with Telephoto Lens

    Adorable Chipmunk
  8. Spend time in locations that are likely to draw animals.  Sources of water and food are the most likely places to find animals, so spending time near those locations, especially at dusk or dawn, will increase your chances of seeing them.  Animals also use the trails to get through the forest as much as hikers do, simply because it is easier for them to walk on the trails, so staying on the trails will increase your chances of seeing them.  Sometimes the most likely place to see animals isn’t where you might expect it.  One of our funniest stories about seeing animals in the wild was when we were in Estes Park, Colorado, many years ago.  We had gone hiking at dusk and waited by an open field with a stream running through it and, after much waiting, a herd of elk finally appeared.  It was autumn, so the temperatures quickly dropped and we were frozen by the time we got back to the car, but we were happy to have seen the elk.  We drove back to our hotel and lo and behold there were hundreds of elk walking around the property nibbling on the fresh grass.  It hadn’t crossed our minds that they would be drawn to the green grass of the hotel versus foraging for food in the wild.
    Elk in the River

    Eating Grass in Town

Hopefully you will have as much luck as we’ve had seeing wildlife by using these tips.  We can’t say it enough, though, be smart about it and don’t do anything too risky.  Always respect wildlife, some animals may look cute, but they are wild animals and therefore can be unpredictable.

Seeing Unusual Animals During Travels

There are some places where you expect to see some unusual animals, such as when going to the jungle or desert. Some places are associated with certain animals, so they often use them as part of tourist attractions, like riding a camel or seeing a snake charmer. Other times, it is simply a random event where you just happen to see animals in their natural environment as part of a hike. We have certainly seen our fair share of different animals, some of them cute and some of them not so much. Whenever we see animals, we do our best to get a photograph of them, with varying results. Do you take photographs of animals during your travels?

Mountain Goats
Three-Toed Tree Sloth
Adorable Baby Monkey
Llama on Moon Island in Bolivia
Agouti in Panama
Camel in Egypt
Snake Charmer in Morocco
Bird on the Porch of Our Eco Lodge
Tarantula Crawling Out of a Tree
Blurry Picture of Giant River Otters in the Amazon Jungle

Metropolitan National Park in Panama City

If you are planning a trip to Panama City, one of the sites that you should consider visiting is the Metropolitan National Park. Since Panama City is surrounded by a rainforest that is protected by law, the city is literally surrounded by jungles and wildlife. You don’t have to leave the city in order to escape into nature and see some of the exotic wildlife that the country has to offer. It is about a fifteen minute drive from downtown Panama City to reach the park and the cost to enter is only $4 per person for non-Nationals ($1 for Nationals).

Views of Panama City
One of the Many Birds in the Park
Resting Agouti
Start of the Trail

Although it is located on the edge of the city and temperatures are often hot and humid, the Metropolitan National Park is still a rainforest, so you should definitely wear closed-toed shoes or hiking shoes. After stopping at the visitors center to purchase your tickets and get information on the park and the animals that live there, you will walk a short distance to the actual start of the trail system within the park. The trail in the park is basically a giant loop and if you are willing to follow it to its furthermost point, you will be rewarded with wonderful views of the city as the summit is the second highest point within the city. There are some steep sections on the trail, but overall it is considered to be moderate, but be sure to have plenty of water with you.

The Trail Takes You Above the Canopy
Cityscape of Panama City
Turtles on the Shore of a Pond
The Trails Get Narrower

One of the first things that you see along the trail is a pond that has many turtles swimming, lazing on the shore, or propped up on twigs and sticks. They were fairly active while we were there, but obviously not the most unique of animals to see during your time in a rainforest. Another of the first animals that we saw during our time in the park was a tree sloth, although this particular sloth was just curled up and sleeping. We saw several agoutis, which are rodents that are almost a cross between a rabbit and guinea pig. It is possible to see other animals such as monkeys, deer, toucans, and parrots, but due to the number of people that visit the park, those sightings can be rare.

Turtles Coming Up for Air
Another Agouti
Typical Rainforest Tree
Lizard Trying to Hide

The views of the Panama City are definitely a highlight of visiting the Metropolitan National Park. As you reach the final plateau above the trail, you have 180 degree views of the city and the surrounding suburbs. It is a perfect place to sit and relax before continuing along the trail back to the start. Another common sight along the trail are the leaf-cutter ants, which traverse the trails at many different points as they carry the leaves back to their nests. You will also see many different termite mounds on the trunks of trees as well as variety of flowers, trees, and plants. If you hear some leaves rustling next to the trail, a closer inspection will likely uncover a lizard, but beware of snakes as there are many varieties in the park.

Looking Out Towards the Bay
Leaf-Cutter Ants Hard at Work
Termite Mound
Start of the Loop

The Metropolitan National Park is a wonderful way to see a rainforest without having to leave Panama City. For a variety of reasons, we would certainly recommend having a more immersive experience in a rainforest, but visiting the park is perfect for young children or those that don’t have time to spend doing a tour or staying at an ecolodge. As Panama continues to embrace ecotourism, experiences such as these will only continue to become more accessible. We were told by one of our guides that 36% of the country of Panama is actually protected, making plenty of opportunities to enjoy nature. Although many people visit Costa Rica, a trip to Panama might just provide a more authentic and less touristic experience.

Tropical Flower
Prickly Tree Trunk
The Views are Amazing
In Case You Haven’t Seen Enough Agoutis
Camouflaged Lizard