We always look up at the ceilings of places that we visit, especially if the building has a dome. Many of them are in cathedral, but not all of them. Throughout our history, people have been fascinated with the sky and the stars and often imagined what might exist up there. In many cases they use the ceilings to paint what they imagine might be beyond the clouds that hovered over their heads.
So Many Murals Inside of a DomeWindows Inside of a DomeThe Cathedral of Granada – Cathedral of the IncarnationOne of the Domes Inside of a Mosque in CairoBeautiful Artwork in the Dome in LuccaCeiling of the Dome in a Church in Cairo
In other cases, artists just used the dome ceilings to create works of art that tell a story that changes with the direction you face as you look up at it. Sometimes the artist will just use the geometrical shape to create a unique look inside of the dome. Regardless of the style of artwork, looking up at interior of domes is something that is worth taking the time to pause and enjoy.
Looking Up at the DomeMonastery Dome in RomaniaSimplicity of a Dome in RomeDome Inside of Another DomeDifferent Angle of the Dome of the Church in CairoColorful Domed Ceiling Above an Altar in France
We have seen some truly interesting and beautiful art on the sides of buildings during our travels. Obviously not all of it is good and there is still plenty of graffiti to be found, but the work done by true artists can be quite wonderful. Art is something that unites all of us and the feelings that the images generate are not limited to the culture in which they were created. With that said, the culture also comes through in the art in the representations of the people, the colors, and at times the political message represented. More and more, as we travel we actively seek out street art in order to capture images of them to be part of our record of our visit. We are sharing just a sampling of that art and we don’t have a particular favorite. Do you capture images of street art and, if you do, do you have one that speaks to you more than others?
Tigers Getting Colorful Stripes in Carlsbad, CaliforniaA Woman Looking Like She is Peeking Through the Trees in BudapestBuilding in Quito, EcuadorRestaurant Wall in PragueFish Mosaic Wall in VietnamChinatown Mural in San Francisco Artwork in Cochabamba, Bolivia Painted Building in Reykjavik, IcelandStreet Art in Panama City, PanamaSide of a Building in Denver, ColoradoSandhill Cranes Painted on Wall in Southern ColoradoSurfing Mario at the Beach in California
Of the many temples that we visited during our time in Vientiane, Wat That Luang Neua was one of the most interesting. From the reclining Buddha statue to the colorful images depicting the life of Buddha, it is truly a beautiful temple. Located near the famous Pha That Luang, it is certainly worth taking the time to visit during a walking tour of Vientiane.
Reclining Buddha at the Temple
Colorful Paintings
Golden Statue
Monks in the Temple
View of the Temple Ceiling
Ceremonial Items Inside the Temple
The golden statues are all quite interesting as you walk around the temple grounds. The temple itself is very open and has paintings depicting the life of Buddha all over the ceiling. The colors are so vibrant and the paintings are so interesting that one could spend hours looking at them. Local residents were setting up tables to provide food to the monks who worship there. It was certainly fascinating for us to see them going through their daily rituals.
More Monks in the Temple
Setting Up for Lunch
Entrance to a Temple Building
Openness of the Temple
Detailed Artwork
Buddha Statue
There are so many wats, or temples, to see in Vientiane, but Wat That Luang Neua is definitely a highlight. Considering how hot it was during our time in Vientiane, any time in the shade or inside of building was certainly a welcome relief. Going to several of the temples to see how they vary is something that we would definitely recommend.