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  • Every Trip Makes You a Smarter Traveler

    When we look back now to our very first overseas trip many years ago and compare it to the way that we travel these days, it was very different. We spent two weeks traveling to Paris, London, Stratford-Upon-Avon, and Manchester, spending anywhere from four nights to as little as one night in each location. It… Read more

  • Details of the Basilica in Quito, Ecuador

    We had heard that we could get wonderful views of Quito by climbing to the top of the towers of the Basilica del Voto Nacional, so we made sure to put that on our itinerary. The architecture of the church is truly fascinating and some of the most interesting items are the grotesques, which aren’t… Read more

  • Autumn in Koblenz, Germany

    Situated along the Rhine River where it connects with the Moselle, Koblenz is a wonderful city to visit, especially in the fall. One of our favorite memories from our time in Germany last year was taking the train along the Rhine and seeing all of the beautiful foliage. There are many different sites to visit… Read more

  • What is Your Writing Style?

    One of the first things that you are told when deciding to create a website or trying to get your writing published is that you must have a consistent and clear voice. That sounds a little nebulous, but all it really means is that if someone were to read several of the things that you… Read more

  • Cotopaxi Volcano near Quito, Ecuador

    On a clear day, Cotopaxi is an ominous sight that can be seen looming in the distance outside of Quito. It is an active volcano that last erupted in August of 2015 and spewed ash and steam until January of 2016. You are no longer able to hike all of the way to the top,… Read more

  • Can You Predict the Future?

    Whether or not you believe that certain people have a sixth sense, we are firm believers that people should trust their gut feelings. There have been times in our lives when we have had a sense that something had occurred and found out that those were true. Sometimes it isn’t anything magical, it is just… Read more