Walking Along the Waterfront in Baltimore

After a long week of getting settled in our new environment, we decided to take a day to relax and take a walk along the waterfront. We started at the Canton Waterfront Park where there is a trail that wraps around the harbor. It was a beautiful day and there were many people also out enjoying an early spring day taking a stroll or jogging along the path. Not surprisingly, there are several restaurants along the water with open air patios that were packed with people enjoying cold beverages and soaking in some sun. We did stop for a margarita before heading back towards our place.

The Start of Our Walk
Just Part of the Marina
Walking the Path

Overall, we spent about an hour and a half walking on the trail and enjoying the scenery. It is certainly a different atmosphere than what we would have done while we were living in Colorado. It definitely gave us a taste of what to expect as the days get warmer. Although this is literally out of our back door, the majority of people come into the inner harbor area from the surrounding neighborhoods and other parts of the city to enjoy the food and views. It is obvious why so many people choose to come to Baltimore’s inner harbor area as a destination. Fortunately for us, as you get farther away from the actual inner harbor, the neighborhoods get quieter but there are just as many choices of places to enjoy food and drinks.

Canton Waterfront Park
Many of the Yachts
Houses Along the Path

We Have Arrived at Our New Headquarters

We have been silent for the past several weeks as we embarked on changing our location from Colorado to Maryland. We have finally moved into our new place in Baltimore and are starting to settle in. We still have a lot to do over the coming weeks in order get fully moved in, but we are looking forward to starting new adventures in the area and getting overseas as well. There are so many opportunities for us and we are truly excited about what will discover in the coming weeks and months.

Views of Baltimore
Interesting Architecture

Moving across the country is definitely a daunting experience and even as organized as we are, it is still very overwhelming. We can hardly wait to share our stories as we explore our own backyard in the city of Baltimore. We may have a few more days of being quiet, but should be back to “normal” in the near future.

We are Blocks from the Water
Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Area

New Year, New Optimism

We can probably all agree that 2021 was only marginally better than 2020, but it was at least a little bit better. Almost everyone that we speak to seems to have taken on the mantra that 2022 is the year where things truly do get better, but let’s not use the term “normal” as that has really become meaningless. We are hopeful to have more trips in the coming year, although we are still starting to plan where we might want to visit. Even with all of the current instability and unknowns, it does seem as though borders have opened up enough that people can get out and explore the world once again. Perhaps not everyplace, but at least enough to expand our horizons and enjoy new adventures.

Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Area
Architecture in Historic Baltimore
Street Art in Baltimore

In addition to looking forward to some meaningful travel that will take us to exciting new places, we are also planning on moving our “galactic headquarters” from Colorado to Baltimore in the coming months (the photographs are from our November trip to Baltimore to explore the area). This will obviously keep us busy for a little while as we plan the change and make the actual move but getting to the east coast will provide us new and exciting opportunities. We are actually coming full circle in a way as we met each other and started our adventures in life in Maryland and coming back there will be a sort of homecoming in ways.

Restaurant on the Water
Buildings Along the Harbor
Neighborhood Street

Although we are still taking things day-to-day and month-to-month, we are truly optimistic about what lays ahead in the coming year. Life is an adventure of its own and any travel that we can do in addition is just icing on the cake. We may not have a trip as big as our African safari last year, but hopefully there will be many more trips for us to enjoy this year. Are you feeling optimistic about the coming year?

Baltimore Train Station
Town Homes Along the Water