Latest Blog Posts

  • Washington DC – A National Treasure

    With its array of monuments, museums, and landmarks, Washington DC is truly a world-class city.  You could easily spend a couple of weeks in Washington and still not see everything that it has to offer, which is somewhat ironic for the two of us.  We both lived outside of major cities growing up, one of… Read more

  • A Departure from the Norm

    This week’s Daily Post Discover Challenge is to take a risk and write a post that takes us out of our comfort zone. Blogging in general has taken us out of comfort zone as we continue to share more and more about ourselves as much as about our travels. Early in our marriage, Pete would… Read more

  • Classic Mai Tai – Cure for a Beach State of Mind

    Since winter has been lingering around too long here in Colorado, we’ve been longing for the beach and sun. Our solution, a drink that will take you away to memories of an ocean breeze and salt air.  There are a lot of ways to make a Mai Tai, but this is the classical way that… Read more

  • Sailing into the Sunset

    For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Happy, we once again had a difficult time figuring out what to post. Our first thought was to use one of our pictures from hiking in the mountains, because that always makes us happy. We could have easily put a picture of our children doing what they love, they are… Read more

  • Bacon and Beer – Need We Say More?

    What would get us to drive an hour and a half through a blizzard? Apparently, the answer to that question is the Bacon and Beer Classic in Denver.  The Bacon and Beer Classic is an event where more than thirty restaurants and seventy breweries get together to provide an homage to all things bacon and… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Dinnertime

    Believe it or not, we really struggled with this particular theme, dinnertime. Do we show some cute and cuddly animal eating something? Do we show a scene from a restaurant? Do we show a meal that we’ve prepared? Obviously any of those could be relevant choices, but we wanted to think a little outside the… Read more