Symbols of Love

One of the things that we have found interesting during our time here in Germany are the bridges that are covered in “love locks”, which are various locks clamped to the sides of the bridges. They are meant to be a sign of enduring love, an opportunity to show that couples are bound to each other throughout time, that they are one with each other. We are sure that some people find them to be a bit of an eyesore, but considering their message of optimism and hope, we have found them to be more of an image of beauty rather than of defecation. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Repurpose, so we thought that we would share a few photos of the love locks that we have seen since our arrival here in Europe.

Cologne Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
The Two of Us on the Bridge in Cologne
Growing Signs of Love


Walking with Locks of Love

We haven’t been consistent with sharing for Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, but we thought we would try to participate more often. For this week, we decided to use a photo from here in Frankfurt. This is the pedestrian bridge that takes you from Altenstadt (Old Town) Frankfurt into the suburb of Sachsenhausen. Sachsenhausen is home to some of the best local restaurants in town as well as a lot of lively pubs, at least from what we understand. The love locks on fences, like these on the bridge, are always intriguing wherever they are found and we definitely enjoyed seeing these. We have wondered over this bridge several times now and will enjoy crossing it to share a meal, perhaps even with one of the locals that we have met.

Bridge across the Main River
Close Up on Some of the Locks
Music on the Bridge
Another View of the Bridge