Experiencing Local Life at the Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village in Rwanda

After trekking in the rainforest to spend time with the gorillas, we then went to visit the Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village where we spent time learning all about the local life in the Rwanda countryside. It was a very interactive experience as we were given the opportunity to play drums, grind sorghum for banana beer, and test our archery skills. As we walked among the huts, our local guide explained to us all about daily lives of the people that have lived in this part of the country for hundreds of years.

Medicine Man
Drums Upon Our Arrival
Learning the Cultural History
Dramatic Dancing

From the moment that we entered the village, we were warmly greeted by the music of drums and the local villagers dancing in their authentic ceremony garments. The men wear dramatic blonde wigs, which they flip dramatically around as they dance making for quite the impression. We also had the opportunity to visit the king’s hut with its large bed and learned of the local traditions and rituals. Whether it was making banana beer, creating bee hives, or learning about the role of the medicine man, each hut that we visited was fascinating.

Sorghum to Grind
King’s Hut
Quite the Performance
Cultural Village

As with many villages that provide these types of cultural experiences, there is also the opportunity to buy handmade goods created by the villagers. The money goes towards the community, which is important as it encourages the local communities to embrace tourism and keeps them from poaching wildlife from the surrounding national park. Prior to tourists coming to Volcanoes National Park to trek to the gorillas, many of the villagers would trap gorillas to sell their hands as well as trap the mountain elephants and other animals to sell to people outside of the country. Rwanda has made great strides in reducing the number of poaching incidents and ensuring that the local people make enough money without needing to resort to trapping animals.

Bee Hive
Making Fire for Banana Beer
Wedding Ceremony Dance
Small Hut

Although spending time with the gorillas is clearly the highlight of going to Volcanoes National Park, visiting the Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village was certainly still a wonderful experience. Considering we did both the trekking and the village visit on our first full day in Rwanda, we were certainly off to a tremendous start to our time in this interesting country. We definitely slept very well that evening before getting up early to move on to our next adventure within Rwanda.

Another Cultural Lesson
Watching the Ceremonial Dancing
Greeting as We Arrived
Our Guide at the Cultural Village

The Beauty of African Sunsets

Sunsets can be beautiful no matter where you are, but there is something magical about watching the sunset over the plains of Africa. Since we spent eleven full days on safari, we got to see many different sunsets during our time there. For several of the sunsets, we were able to enjoy a nice glass of wine as we relaxed after a long day of animal watching. We also saw many wonderful sunrises, but we were usually driving around in the Land Cruiser at the time either heading out to see the wildlife or heading from one national park to another.

Sunset at Lake Nakuru
Sunsetting in the Serengeti
Sunsetting Over the Hippo Pond

There were certainly too many wonderful sunsets to choose a favorite, especially since they each bring back wonderful memories. Whether it was watching the sunset over the hippo pond, sitting by the fire in the Serengeti, or watching the baby giraffes just outside of the Amboseli National Park, every photograph transports us back to those moments. Because we were in camps that were far away from any city or civilization in general, the moments were quiet, tranquil, and completely relaxing. Watching the sun set also meant that it was time to be sure that we were with a guide or heading to our tent as it wasn’t safe being out on your own after dark.

Sunset on Our First Full Day on Safari
Sunset from the Camp
Sunsetting Over Lake Naivasha

Each of these memories were magical. We often took many photographs of the same sunset as it changed from minute to minute as the sun went down below the horizon. Whether it was the sun shining through the clouds or the colors of the sky as the sun disappeared, every moment was uniquely different.

Just One of the Sunsets from the Camp in the Serengeti National Park

African Sunsets are Spectacular
Another View of the Sunset Over the Hippo Pond

From Kenya to Tanzania, Our Adventure Continues

After a morning game drive in Amboseli National Park, we crossed the border into Tanzania. We spent the afternoon going through the Lake Manyara Park, we are relaxing in a nice lodge before heading to the Ngorongoro Crater. We are only three days into our safari and pictures cannot come close to capturing the experience so far.

Beautiful Sunset
Male and Female Lions
Colorful Bird