We have been spending most of our time visiting cities and towns all around Germany and starting to spread out into more areas of Europe in general. We have not lived in a city for a long time, spending most of our time in Colorado Springs which is a city with a small town feel, so this has definitely been a life-changing experience. It doesn’t seem like we are going to have time to go hiking while we are here since there are just too many wonderful places to visit and incredible sights to see. One of the things that we had enjoyed the most about living in Colorado Springs was our close proximity to hiking in the mountains with the incredible beauty of the rugged nature. We have already started to think about our return to the United States and where we will decide to live when we return, although mostly we wish we could just stay in Europe for at least a few months more. On the one hand, we have options which is nice, but Colorado Springs has been home for more than twenty years, so it is hard not to consider going back there upon our return. Before we cross that bridge, though, we have plenty of travel ahead of us while we are here in Germany. When we saw this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Rocks, Paper, Scissors, our immediate thoughts returned to hiking in the mountains of Colorado. Obviously these are more boulders than rocks, but these surroundings are very dear to our hearts and we will carry them with us no matter where our travels take us.