The Pubs of Dublin, Ireland

To say that there are a lot of pubs in Dublin is an extreme understatement. If you are in the mood for a pint, there are options around every corner and down every street and alley. Needless to say, we did not visit anywhere close to all of the options that were available, but the we truly enjoyed the ones that we did visit. Some of them served much more than your typical bar food, while others served exactly what you would expect, fish and chips, bangers and mash, and the iconic Irish breakfast.

The Brazen Head
Ornate Ceiling
The Main Bar at The Church

We especially enjoyed the pubs that were converted from old buildings such as The Bank on College Green and The Church. The Bank on College Green is obviously a former bank, but the site has been occupied even longer than its conversion to a bank in 1892 by Belfast Bank. Its location near Trinity College makes it a popular location for tourists as well as college students. The ornate decorations and stained glass window are obvious signs of the wealth of the banking industry even during the turn of the century. The Church is a restaurant pub converted from St. Mary’s Church in 1997 after the church closed in 1964 and remained abandoned. One of the interesting things about The Church is that they kept most of the original features of the historic site and there is even a self-guided tour that you can take that features a bust of Arthur Guinness, Baptismal, Gallery, Tower, Burial Crypts, and more.

Stained Glass Ceiling at The Bank on College Green
Stain Glass Window at The Church
View of the Working Organ at The Church

We were celebrating our mother’s 79th birthday on our visit to Ireland, so we didn’t stay out late, but there are many options for listening to authentic Irish music, dancing, and general nightlife. One of the most famous is The Temple Bar, which is located in the heart of the area also known as Temple Bar. One of the other interesting pubs that we visited was T.P. Smiths, which had a unique spiral staircase made from copper to resemble brewing vats. There is also an interesting mosaic in the main bar that adds to the atmosphere. We have to admit, though, that it was its proximity to our hotel that caused us to visit this friendly pub a couple of times.

Copper Staircase
Temple Bar
T.P. Smiths

Finally, and certainly not least, was The Brazen Head, officially Ireland’s oldest pub. The pub itself has the feel that you would expect from the oldest pub in Ireland, stone walls and a dark atmosphere, but over time the pub has grown into a full restaurant and hotel with many floors of rooms to serve eager guests. We preferred the atmosphere of the old pub, but could certainly see the beer garden being a lively spot during a warmer time of year. No visit to Dublin is complete without visiting this famous spot, especially if you are a fan of historic pubs as we are.

Inside of The Brazen Head
Enjoying a Pint
The Beer Garden

As we mentioned, we could only scratch the surface of all of the pubs that Dublin has to offer. One could probably spend several months in Dublin before visiting even the majority of the offerings. Even with the reputation that the Irish have for their fondness to drink, it seems that the tourists take advantage of a visit to Dublin to drink like a local. We typically don’t need an excuse, but we enjoyed the sampling that we were able to experience during our brief time in the city. What truly makes each place wonderful are the people, everyone of these locations had friendly staff who were quick with a smile and a story if you were willing to listen.

Brazen Head Menu
Close Up of the Organ at The Church
Local Pint
Looking Down at The Bank on College Green


Tasting the Local Beers (Biers)

One of the things that we have enjoyed is trying the various local beers at each of the cities and towns that we have visited. We had heard before moving to Germany that you can only find the local beer in each of the towns and that you couldn’t find anything else. That might be true in certain pubs and restaurants, but for the most part we have found that you can find some of the national favorites in addition to the local brew. With that said, we try to taste the local beer, especially a seasonal one, wherever we visit.

One of the First Beers from here in Frankfurt
From Heidelberg, Obviously
Blurry, but from a Wonderful Restaurant in Koblenz where Albert Einstein used to Visit
Painting of Einstein in the Restaurant

We prefer bolder beers, usually more of an amber or brown beer, but we have had several pilsners as well, which are often the favorite of the locals. Here in Frankfurt, Bitburger seems to be the most popular and it is always served with a coaster around the stem of the glass. One other thing to note is that every beer, even seasonal ones, are served in glasses specific to that particular beer. You won’t find a generic glass or mug, each beer has it’s own special glass with the logo of the brewery and the specific type of beer clearly displayed.

From Cologne
From Cologne, but can be found in the US
From Frankfurt
Winter Beer from Würzburg

Whether you like beer or not, while in Germany, you should at least try a few of the local offerings. If you do, don’t just go from ones on tap as some of the best can only be found in a bottle. Just like with all of the food that we have been eating, we try to taste them in moderation and try to get some extra steps in during the day to offset the calories. Germany also has some wonderful wines with plenty of local vinyards, so don’t limit yourself to beer during your visit. Sitting in a pub with a pint in your hand may not change your life, but you may gain a few friends as it is a popular pastime here.

From Hochheim
More from Frankfurt
Last from Frankfurt


Daily Post Photo Challenge – Local

This week’s photo challenge of Local was an easy one for us considering our move into a new country and neighborhood. We have mentioned this place a couple of times already and the reason for that is that it has become our favorite local watering hole. In fact, one of the bartenders, Dadan, called his wife to get a list of sites that ended up helping us to find our new home. We have found the Alten Limpburg to be the perfect place to grab a pint and a glass of wine to unwind at the end of a long day.

Sitting Inside of the Pub
Our New Favorite Pub in Frankfurt
Dadan Behind the Bar
The Two of Us at the Pub