Casting a Long Shadow

When you have significant influence over other people or events in the world, you are considered to “cast a long shadow”. Today, in the social media world, these people are just called influencers. Regardless of whether we would be considered to be influencers, we do follow several people who are and use them as role models. It isn’t easy to tell how far your shadow actually reaches as it is just a metaphor and not something truly tangible. Often times, people have greater influence than they actually realize. What if you could actually see the shadow that you cast? We love the way shadows provide a different perspective at times and perhaps seeing your own influence would change your perception of the things that you do on a daily basis.

Inadvertently Capturing Our Shadow in Iceland
Balancing Rock in India
Shadows Stretching from the Temple of Olympian Zeus
Light and Shadows in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Colonial Building and Shadows in Pennsylvania
Shadows Across a Trail in Colorado
Temple Column Shadows in Edfu, Egypt


Looking Back and Looking Forward

As we continue to get settled back into our lives here in Colorado, we are weighing a lot of options for our future. Obviously travelling and sharing our adventures will continue to be our highest, non-work priority, but we are still reinventing ourselves on a daily basis. We are very excited about the possibilities that lay in front of us as much as we are nervous about some of the uncertainties that are facing us in the near-term. We haven’t participated in Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge for a couple of weeks, so we were determined to make sure that we took the time this week to get an entry in for View from the Back, Bottom, our Underneath. We decided to use a photo that we took on one of the first major trips since we started our blog, which was to Iceland last February. We have to admit that this wasn’t taken with particular purpose in mind, but we took it while looking back towards one of the churches that we saw as we drove along the coast of Iceland.

Taking a Picture from Behind Ourselves