Latest Blog Posts

  • Walking on Fallen Leaves

    During autumn, when the leaves begin to fall, we love taking walks among the fallen leaves. Especially when there is a slight breeze and the leaves fall all around you. If the leaves are dry, the soft crunch as you walk along the trail or sidewalk makes for a relaxing background noise. It can be… Read more

  • Do You Ever Go Back to the Same Location?

    One of the challenges for people who love traveling is deciding between going someplace new versus going back to someplace visited before. At first, it seems like a pretty straight forward decision, why not go someplace where you’ve never been? On the other hand, there are definite reasons for going back to a location. If… Read more

  • Driving on the Wine Road Outside of Strasbourg

    We truly enjoyed our time in Strasbourg and, even though it was after the vineyards had been harvested, we also enjoyed driving on part of the wine road. There is something beautiful about seeing all of the vines lined up in rows, but perhaps that is just because of the thought of the wines that… Read more

  • The Best of Luxor, Egypt

    Luxor is certainly the highlight of any trip to Egypt and there are many wonderful ancient sites to visit. Luxor takes at least a couple of days to truly see and you should divide your time between the west and east banks of the Nile. It is a short flight from Cairo, although it can… Read more

  • Pumpkin Cookies – A Taste of Autumn

    One of our favorite treats for this time of year is pumpkin cookies. They are incredibly delicious as well as easy to make. Unlike a lot of cookies that are dense or hard, these are almost cake-like in texture. We haven’t found anything similar during our travels, so we consider this to be very unique… Read more

  • Whimsical Artwork

    There are so many wonderful statues and pieces of art in cities throughout the world. Most of them are usually very stoic and austere, but occasionally you run across something that just makes you smile. Who knows whether they were appreciated at the time that they were first unveiled and they often seem strangely out… Read more