Connection vs Layover

There are two types of stops when travelling long distance and both can have their pros and cons. During our trip to Bolivia in May we had both, a 24 hour layover in Lima, Peru, as well a connections in Dallas and La Paz. Since this week’s Discover Challenge is Connections, we thought we’d take a different slant on it and discuss connections in terms of travelling. We try to make sure that we have at least an hour and a half between flights when having a connecting flight, but our connection in Dallas was only 40 minutes, which is definitely tight for an international flight.  Any delay would have spelled disaster and a cascading effect of potentially flights missed. Fortunately every thing turned out fine and we were able to make our connection with little stress.

Empty Airport

When we arrived in Lima, we grabbed our bags and headed to a hotel to enjoy our 24 hour layover.  A layover is when you have enough time to leave an airport and spend time in the city that you are connecting through versus spending a few hours in the airport waiting for your next flight. A layover can last for anywhere from overnight to several days depending upon how you book your flights. We definitely enjoyed our time in Lima, but we had a nasty surprise when we went to board our flight the next day. Apparently there is a fee of $60 USD per person to leave the airport, a little fact that they don’t tell you when you collect your bags and leave.

One of the Few People that We Saw

We arrived in the La Paz airport at 2:00 a.m. and our departing flight to Cochabamba didn’t leave until 6:30 a.m., so we had to spend several hours, exhausted, in an empty airport with only a few other passengers sleeping on the benches. We decided to push through it and stay awake, so we were very appreciative of the fact that there was an all-night coffee shop open in the airport terminal, literally the only thing that was open and there were no airport workers visible anyplace that we could see. It was definitely one of the more exhausting connections that we’ve had, but in the end we survived it just fine.

Flying Out of La Paz

Airport Parking is Outrageous!

We’re not sure if it is just because we live in Colorado where there isn’t a good public transportation system.  Or whether it is because everyone is spread so far out that they have to drive to the airport, but the parking prices to leave your car at the airport for seven days is astronomical.  We’ve found a trick to save ourselves a little money and make flying out of Denver a little easier.  Instead of parking our car at the airport, we spend the night prior to our flight at one of the airport hotels.  Many of the hotels offer seven days of free parking if you spend a night.  Sometimes they charge an additional $10 for the parking, but some, like the Embassy Suites, do not.

Open Bar
Free Appetizers

A one night stay at the hotel is much cheaper than what the airport charges for parking.  In addition, if you do a little research, you can find a hotel that offers some additional perks, such as free breakfast or a manager’s reception.  One of the reasons that we chose the Embassy Suites was that they offered both.  Not just a continental breakfast, but a full hot breakfast including omelets and French toast made to order.  To make things even better, their manager’s reception includes a complimentary full bar, house brands only, but at that price, who cares.  They also provide a variety of snack food and their restaurant appetizers are half price.

Southwest Egg Rolls
Embassy Suites Bar Area

The other benefit of staying at the hotel is convenience.  For example, our flight to Cabo left Denver International Airport at 8:26 a.m.  For us to drive from Colorado Springs and get to the airport at the recommended two hours in advance, we’d be leaving our home at 5:00 a.m., meaning we’d have to wake up by around 4:00 a.m.  Not a fun way to start a vacation.  By staying at the hotel, we get complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport, allowing us to be dropped off at the terminal and not lug our suitcases from the parking lot.

Hotel Snack Food
Water Feature at the Embassy Suites

Taking a taxi or some form of public transportation is probably the most ideal solution rather than parking a car at the airport, but, depending on the price of a taxi or parking at the airport, you may want to consider looking for a hotel at the airport and spending the night there instead.  For the convenience, cost, and piece of mind, we find it an excellent solution.  If anything, we just consider it an opportunity to start our vacation a day early and relax and let the hotel staff pamper us a little prior to our trip.
