Latest Blog Posts

  • The Color of Spring

    Even though the calendar says that it is Spring, here in Colorado, winter is holding on a little longer. For this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, It IS Easy Being Green!, we thought that we share a few photos that capture the essence of Spring.  The first is of a butterfly resting on a bright… Read more

  • Schloss Stolzenfels

    Located just outside of Koblenz, Germany, is the Stolzenfels Castle. We had taken the train from Frankfurt to Koblenz, so we had to take a taxi to get to the grounds of the castle, but it was one of the sights that we wanted to see while we were in Koblenz. The area around the… Read more

  • Bergpark Wilhemshöhe

    The very first trip that we took while staying in Germany was to the city of Kassel where we spent most of our time at the incredible Bergpark Wilhemshöhe. There are so many wonderful sights to see on the grounds of the largest European hillside park. Due to it’s size of 590 acres as well… Read more

  • Looking Back and Looking Forward

    As we continue to get settled back into our lives here in Colorado, we are weighing a lot of options for our future. Obviously travelling and sharing our adventures will continue to be our highest, non-work priority, but we are still reinventing ourselves on a daily basis. We are very excited about the possibilities that… Read more

  • Experience Places Through the Food

    Now that we are back in the United States, we have been missing all of the food that we experienced during our time in Europe. We are strong advocates of trying a variety of foods when you are travelling, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone at times. We wish that there… Read more

  • Amsterdam from Above

    We were fortunate that our hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands, had incredible views of the city from its rooftop lounge. Seeing the labyrinth of buildings from above is always a wonderful way to get a true sense of a city. We have mentioned previously that we almost always try to see the places that we visit from… Read more