Frozen in Time

Have you ever wished that you could stop time? For those of you who are old enough to remember, there was an old Twilight Zone show where a man has a magical stop watch that will freeze time for everyone but himself. There probably isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t wish we had our own magical watch, but obviously that is never going to happen. The closest thing that we have to stopping time is through photography, where we can capture a moment in time and relive it forever. One of the things that we enjoy is seeing photographs of water that was in motion, but has become instantly frozen in the lens of the camera. Seeing these images are probably the closest that we will have to stopping time, so until we find our magical watch, we will have to make the most of the time that we have.

Fountain in Athens, Greece
Geyser in Iceland
Fountain in Coroico, Bolivia
Waterfall in Bolivia
Fountain at Piazza Navona in Rome
Trevi Fountain
Another View of Geysir Starting to Erupt


The Daily Post Photo Challenge – H2O

Capturing the motion of water can be difficult, but when it works, it can also be very beautiful. There are all sorts of opportunities to capture water in motion whether a river, waves on a beach, or a tropical waterfall. Even with all of those choices, for this week’s challenge of H2O we went back to perhaps a more simplistic view, an urban view, the water flowing from fountains in various forms. It is a constant all over the world, wherever you go you will find beautiful waterfalls, but sometimes the water itself steals the show and not the ornate statues that adorn the fountain itself. Here are a few of our favorite shots where the water is captured, frozen in the moment.

Fountain in Coroico
Fountain at the Bellagio in Las Vegas
Water Fountain in Denver
Fountain in Lima, Peru
Another Photo of the Fountain at the Bellagio in Las Vegas
Fountain at the Opera House in Frankfurt