Frankfurt’s Christmas Markets

The Christmas markets started last week and they dominate the areas where we normally shop and eat. The markets have definitely been everything that we were expecting and heard that they would be. Lots and lots of food, Glühwein, Apfelwein, beer, candy, and souvenirs galore. We understand that Frankfurt’s markets are one of the larger Christmas markets, at least in terms of attendance, and the crowds have definitely shown up in full force. We aren’t ones to stay out too late, but from what we have heard, the crowds can get quite boisterous and it is quite the party with everyone who has had the fill of alcohol and food. It is hard not to have a good time with everyone enjoying themselves and a general feeling of celebration in the air.

Shiny Lights and Gathering Crowds
Enjoying the Celebration
Singing Christmas Carols
Row of Stalls
Plenty of Shopping

During the day, it is definitely a family affair as kids ride the merry-go-rounds and are amazed at the festively colored temporary buildings. It is amazing how elaborate these stalls can be considering that they are only in place for a month including restaurants with tables, wine stands with indoor seating areas, and stores with hundreds of shelves. As the day turns into night, the markets turn to more of an adult playground as more and more young adults make their way out to party with the Christmas spirit.

One of the Merry-Go-Rounds


Candy Vender


Christmas Decorations
Popcorn Stand
Temporary Restaurant

We made our way down to Alten Limpurg, one of favorite restaurants, but it was quite difficult to get there and we were lucky to get a seat. We definitely won’t be going there over the weekend as it is far to busy for us. The party goes on seven days a week, though, so we can probably make our way down there during a weekday when the crowds are not quite as bad. We have had bratwurst and currywurst from the stands and we will definitely be getting some roasted chestnuts soon. We have also had some chocolates and will have a few specialties from Frankfurt over the coming weeks.

Inside Our Favorite Bar
Shopping in the Market
Elaborate Temporary Buildings
Glühwein Vender


Christmas Market in Denver, Colorado


We went to Denver on Saturday because we were flying out of the Denver airport the following morning. As always, we went to the 16th Street Mall to wander the shops and came across the German Christmas market that is there annually. We really enjoy seeing all of the hand-crafted decorations in all of the various stalls.  The market is called the Denver Christkindl Market and it is definitely worth a visit if you’re in Denver in mid-to-late December.

Candy Galore
Hats for Skiing
Hand-Made Candles

Whether it is because the German Christmas traditions were the ones that most influenced the traditions in the United States or whether Colorado has a kindred spirit with Germany, there are several German Christmas markets throughout the state.  Years ago, we went to Georgetown in Colorado and bought hand-made Christmas ornaments and had each engraved.  We hang those every year, three generations of our family represented proudly.

Paper Stars
Christmas Decorations
Christmas Ornaments

Unless you can count a year and a half when one of was two years old, we’ve not been to Germany yet, but it is definitely a destination that we’re going to visit in the very near future.  We love these little markets, whether at home or abroad, there is such passion and love represented with each of the hand-made items on display.  Hopefully you have a similar market where you live as well.

More Christmas Decorations and Ornaments
Glass Ornaments
Scarves, Blankets, and More

We want to wish all of friends a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🙂