Time Travel is Possible

Every now and then, you are able to go to a tourist location and visit it without any other people around you. On those rare occasions when you aren’t surrounded by a hundred people taking selfies in front of what you’ve come to see, it can be a truly memorable moment. It really gives you the opportunity to let your mind wander and imagine what it must have been like to have been there during some historical period of the past. Because we often travel during the off-season, we have been fortunate enough to have a few of these experiences.

Walking Through the Guardhouse Entrance
Ancient Bridge

For this week’s Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, we decided to use photos from one of those experiences. When we went to Schloss Stolzenfels on the outskirts of Koblenz we were able to walk the castle grounds without anyone else around us. Walking through the dense forest as you climbed the path up the side of the hillside to reach the castle, it was as if we had been transported to a different time. One could easily imagine horse-drawn carriages making their way up to the castle to attend some royal event. Or perhaps a band of robbers hiding in the woods waiting for the opportunity to make off with some jewels from passing travelers.

Walking through the Park
Schloss Stolzenfels from the Path

It is no wonder that so many fairy tales came from the forests of the German countryside. Walking the roads and trails at night with the fear of wolves, robbers, and other mystical creatures must have been at the forefront of any travelers mind. For a couple of hours, we walked those woods and imagined what life must have been like back in the 16th century.

Walking Through the Forest
The Final Set of Stairs

What Matters at the End of the Day

Sunset in Strasbourg, France

Like everyone else, we truly enjoy traveling and getting to see so many fascinating places. It is what drives us to discover different countries and cities that we might have never visited. But why take the time to write about our trips? Lets face it, blogging is hard work, so why commit to it the way that we do?

Sunset in Scottsdale, Arizona
Sunset in Frankfurt, Germany

Every day, we get to read so many wonderful blogs from other people who inspire us and teach us about so many various things and places. What gives us the greatest pleasure when we’re not on a trip is the interaction that we get from everyone who reads our stories. We feel lucky to be part of such a special community and enjoy every comment that people leave on our site. For this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, Satisfaction, we chose a few photos of some recent sunsets. At the end of the day, we don’t have to put our stories out there for all to see, but we continue to do it because of the satisfaction we receive due to the connections that we make with all of you.

Sunset in Athens, Greece
Sunset in Amsterdam, Netherlands

An Overwhelming, Emotional Experience

When we visited New York City in July of 2015, we went to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Walking through the exhibit was almost surreal. Despite the number of people, it was so quiet that you literally could have heard a pin drop as people walked to each of the displays. The museum is set up so that as you walk through it, you see events in chronological order as they occurred on that fateful day that every American who was alive at that time can remember vividly. At one point, you get to see the remains of one of fire trucks that was crushed in the collapse and your heart can’t help but sink thinking about the first responders that arrived in that vehicle. We have great respect for first responders and the sacrifices that they make. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Fire Trucks, Fire Houses, and Fire Hydrants, we have a couple of photos that we took during our visit to the museum.

One of the Fire Trucks from September 11
People Viewing the Fire Truck in the Museum
Standing in the Museum Entrance

Fire in Colorado Springs is a scary thing as we have had a couple of devastating fires in the area. When a fire broke out in our neighborhood just a few days after the Waldo Canyon Fire burned down hundreds of homes, it was quite unnerving. Thankfully, the fire fighters got it under control quickly.

Trucks on Our Street
Fire Trucks and Hoses