5 Travel Destinations for Self-Care Seekers

Today we are featuring a guest post from Healthy Fit who offer workout routines and fitness advise that can be used in your everyday life or when you are traveling.

The meaning of self-care varies slightly depending on who you ask, but for those of us who love to travel, there’s no better way to reset the mind and body than by exploring somewhere new. When we stimulate our senses with new sights, sounds, and smells, we nurture ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually — which in turn reduces stress and anxiety and makes us healthier and happier overall.

Below are five travel destinations for every type of self-care seeker. Whether you’re looking to relax on a sandy beach, hike a mountain, or observe wildlife, there are so many self-care destinations to nourish the mind, body, and soul.

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1. Paris

According to the Self-Care Capitals Report from Money.co.uk, Paris is the ultimate travel destination for those of us looking to reset the mind, body, and spirit. The city offers more than 936 spas, 332 museums, and 267 parks! A few notable attractions include the L’Institut du Luxembourg, Studio Rituel, Jardin des Tuileries, and Louvre Museum.

What’s more, Parisians are experts at maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It’s against the law for employers to contact their employees over the weekend, and a 35-hour workweek policy was passed in 2000.

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2. London

For those of us who prioritize physical health and wellness while vacationing, London is the perfect self-care destination. With more than 103 gyms, fitness centers, and yoga studios located within London’s City Centre, we can spend time caring for our physical, mental, and emotional health between visiting attractions such as the Tower Bridge, British Museum, and Hyde Park. Plus, those of us who identify as plant-based or health-conscious eaters can visit one of the many vegan-friendly restaurants in England’s capital city.

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3. Ubud

If you’ve read or watched Eat, Pray, Love, you — like many others — may have already fallen in love with the town of Ubud in Bali, Indonesia. You can observe the monkeys at the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary as you make your way toward the Pura Dalem Agung temple, take a stroll along the Campuhan Ridge Walk, or treat your body and mind to a relaxing Balinese massage. Between nature, spirituality, and holistic body treatments, can you think of a better self-care destination?

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4. Venice

For those of us who use art as a form of self-care, there’s no better travel destination than Venice, Italy. From the Palazzo Ducale and Museo Storico Navale to the Gallerie Dell’Accademia, there’s no shortage of galleries and museums in this northeast Italian city. Self-care seekers can also tour the city by kayak, climb aboard a peaceful gondola ride, or tap into their spiritual side at one of the more than 100 Venetian churches.

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5. Yellowstone National Park

Located in parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho (USA), Yellowstone National Park is the ultimate self-care destination for those experiencing digital burnout. Cell phone coverage is limited throughout the park, making it an ideal location for a digital detox. Travelers can also enjoy self-guided tours throughout the park, observe grizzly bears, bison, and moose in their natural habitats, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, fishing, rafting, and camping.

In Conclusion

While everyone could use a bit more self-care in their daily lives, you don’t always have to travel to a new city, state, or country in order to care for your mind, body, and spirit. If traveling somewhere new isn’t in the cards, try camping in your backyard, planning a self-care staycation, or spending the day at a spa. The important thing is that you’re exposing yourself to new experiences while keeping your individual self-care needs in mind.

Walking Along the Waterfront in Baltimore

After a long week of getting settled in our new environment, we decided to take a day to relax and take a walk along the waterfront. We started at the Canton Waterfront Park where there is a trail that wraps around the harbor. It was a beautiful day and there were many people also out enjoying an early spring day taking a stroll or jogging along the path. Not surprisingly, there are several restaurants along the water with open air patios that were packed with people enjoying cold beverages and soaking in some sun. We did stop for a margarita before heading back towards our place.

The Start of Our Walk
Just Part of the Marina
Walking the Path

Overall, we spent about an hour and a half walking on the trail and enjoying the scenery. It is certainly a different atmosphere than what we would have done while we were living in Colorado. It definitely gave us a taste of what to expect as the days get warmer. Although this is literally out of our back door, the majority of people come into the inner harbor area from the surrounding neighborhoods and other parts of the city to enjoy the food and views. It is obvious why so many people choose to come to Baltimore’s inner harbor area as a destination. Fortunately for us, as you get farther away from the actual inner harbor, the neighborhoods get quieter but there are just as many choices of places to enjoy food and drinks.

Canton Waterfront Park
Many of the Yachts
Houses Along the Path

We Have Arrived at Our New Headquarters

We have been silent for the past several weeks as we embarked on changing our location from Colorado to Maryland. We have finally moved into our new place in Baltimore and are starting to settle in. We still have a lot to do over the coming weeks in order get fully moved in, but we are looking forward to starting new adventures in the area and getting overseas as well. There are so many opportunities for us and we are truly excited about what will discover in the coming weeks and months.

Views of Baltimore
Interesting Architecture

Moving across the country is definitely a daunting experience and even as organized as we are, it is still very overwhelming. We can hardly wait to share our stories as we explore our own backyard in the city of Baltimore. We may have a few more days of being quiet, but should be back to “normal” in the near future.

We are Blocks from the Water
Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Area