What Do You Want to Get From Blogging?

There are a variety of reasons that most people take the time and effort to write a blog and share their thoughts with the world. Regardless of what style of blog that you write and how frequently you post, creating content that generates interest can not only be difficult, but also opens yourself up to a certain amount of vulnerability. With that said, why would anyone take the plunge and create a website to post their opinions, ideas, and stories? There are probably more reasons than these, but here are some common reasons that drove us to start our site a couple of years ago.

Strasbourg, France
  1. Connect with Like-Minded People – One of the great things about starting a blog is getting know other people who have similar experiences or share similar opinions as your own. Whether it is through comments, viewing other people’s sites, or getting to meet people in person, there is a certain amount of bonding that occurs when you connect through blogging. We know that for ourselves, we have learned as much from the other people we have connected with as we have from our own personal experiences. We get inspiration by reading the stories of others and from the feedback that we get on the stories that we have shared.

  2. Sharing Your Thoughts, Opinions, Expertise, and Experiences – Perhaps the main reason that someone would want to start a blog is simply to share things about yourself and what you know. We would sit with friends and tell the stories about the places that we visited and the experiences that we had; they would tell us that would should share our stories online. It was a big leap of faith to start sharing our stories because we didn’t have any idea what to expect and we weren’t sure what kind of reaction we would get. Thankfully, for the most part our experience has been positive, although we have received a couple of negative comments, which we have taken with a grain of salt. Hopefully everyone who reads this will understand that they have something to say and that their positive thoughts and ideas are worthwhile.

    Colosseum in Rome
  3. Express Yourself Creatively – There are a variety of ways that people are able to express themselves creatively through their blog site. Obviously, the words that you write and the stories that you share (both fictional and factual) are a form a creativity in and of itself. But there are other expressions of creativity, such as your logos, the pictures that you share, or just the topics that you decide to cover. Each of these are part of the creative process for creating a blog site. We consider ourselves to be amateur photographers, so taking photos during our travels and choosing which ones we include in our posts can be a daunting process. Those photos have become a window into the world of our travel and we probably think as much about the pictures that we choose as the words that we write. Getting validation for your creative choices can be one of the most satisfying feelings that you can get from posting on your site.

    Standing on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
  4. Improve Your Communication Skills – Perhaps not an obvious reason to start a blog, but the more that you write and put yourself out there, the better you will become at communicating with others. We have found that the people that have the best blog sites that we follow spend as much time reading other people’s posts as they do writing their own. Communication is a two-way street and seeing how other people express themselves, whether through humor, sarcasm, optimism, or just conversational, can lead to stretching your own communication style. When we look back at some of early blog posts and compare those to what we write now, we realize that we have morphed our writing style over time.

    Incallajta in Bolivia
  5. Earn Money or Compensation – Not everyone who creates a blog site is interested in making money from their work. For them, the reasons that we have stated above are enough for them to be completely satisfied. Other people want to earn money or even make a living from their blog site. Whether by selling items, doing affiliate marketing, getting advertisers, getting freelance writing opportunities, or being compensated with products for mentioning them, there are a lot of ways to earn money from your blog site. We would love to make money from the work that we do, but we aren’t willing to change our opinions or way that we write about our travels to do so. There are a lot of other people out there who can provide advise and guidance into how to monetize your blog, but with hard work and consistency it seems like an achievable goal. Some people seem to want to shame anyone who wants to earn money for their blog site, but we don’t think there is anything wrong with people being compensated for the time and effort that they put into their sites.

    Heidelberg, Germany

There are probably many other reasons for starting a blog, but those are some of the ones that have inspired us to put ourselves out there. What are some of the reasons that drove you to join this crazy community of bloggers? Are you getting everything from blogging that you were hoping for?

A Busy Few Weeks Ahead

Travel can be exciting and fun, but when it is for work, it can also be stressful and tedious. During the month of November, we will be on the road for three out of four weeks. Two of these will be for work, one to Austin, Texas, and the other to Fairfax, Virginia. At the end of the month, we have our trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, which we are definitely looking forward to having some relaxing time.

View from the Resort in Cabo
Villa Del Palmar
Sunset in the Marina

The problem with traveling for work is that you don’t really get the opportunity to explore the city because of being stuck in meetings all day long. We try to take whatever time that we can to see some of the sights, but it definitely isn’t like visiting a place on a dedicated trip. It also means that we might not have as much time to post over the next couple of weeks, but we will be doing our best to keep up with our normal schedule.

Vendors on the Beach
Where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean
View from Our Room at Sunset

We will focus on our trip to Cabo to try and reduce the mental stress of the next couple of weeks. Cabo is not as much about travel, but is an old-fashioned, do nothing, vacation. We intend to sit by the pool, walk to local restaurants, and generally relax. It is our chance to unwind after a long year that has been exciting, but exhausting due to all of the places that we have visited.

Travel and Blogging – Is it Work?

Colosseum in Rome

Almost every blogger’s dream is to turn their passion into a career that can pay the bills and fulfill their desires, whether that is traveling, cooking, or some other interest. We certainly have not found the secret of success, but we do get a definite sense of satisfaction through all of the interactions that we have had during the two years since we started our site. Blogging has definitely changed the way that we travel, the way that we take photographs, the way that we view our experiences. We have found it important to have a schedule and keep to that schedule when it comes to sharing our adventures. So, as we prepare to leave for Ecuador in seven days, we have been having conversations about how we can keep up with our usual routine and whether we should even be worrying about that.

Andes Mountains in South America
Unique Architecture in Brasov, Romania

So, that begs the question, has traveling become a job for us? Do we feel a responsibility to fill our trips with interesting destinations, locations, excursions that we can write about or do we do them just because we want to and if we can write about it, then fine? The reality is that it is probably a little bit of both. We do think about whether or not something might be of interest to everyone that we’ve connected with, but we are also consumed by seeing and learning about new and different things. One of the biggest differences is that when we traveled in the past, we would have carried a camera and nothing else. Now we take an assortment of electronic equipment with us and getting through security can be a challenge at times.

Standing on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Mahabalipuram near Chennai, India

If you are doing what you love, then you aren’t really working is true, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t work. We enjoy visiting places that we haven’t been before, meeting people with a different culture than ours, and trying regional foods. We have “real” jobs, but there is a reason that we take time every day to focus on connecting with other travelers. So, perhaps traveling has become work for us, but if it has, then it is work that we love and if we could make that our only job, we would do that in a heartbeat. What do you think, how much of what you do to create your stories is work and how much is simply what you would do even if you didn’t share it with the world?

Prague Castle Complex, Czech Republic