Latest Blog Posts

  • Enjoying Festive Christmas Trees During Our Travels

    It is quite common to find a festive Christmas tree lit up in the center of town for everyone to enjoy. Sometimes they are located inside of the local church or even in the lobby of the hotels. We have seen many different trees in various countries and cities, all uniquely different. We certainly couldn’t… Read more

  • The Good and Bad of Traveling Over the Holidays

    Whether traveling to see family or traveling just to see a new place, there is good and bad about being on the road during the holidays. We are definitely the type of people who love being surrounded by holiday decorations, cooking special meals, and spending time with people that are important to us, but we… Read more

  • Several Hectic Days in Istanbul are Coming to an End

    After a week on the Aegean coast, we have spent the last few days in Istanbul. To say that it has been overwhelming would be an understatement, but it has been truly amazing. Later today we head to Bulgaria for the final leg of our trip. The sights, sounds, and food have been incredible, but… Read more

  • Last Few Days in the Aegean Region of Turkey

    We only have another couple of days before we head to Istanbul, but it has been all that we have hoped for so far. The Aphrodisias is probably the highlight of the trip at this point. Pamukkale was also interesting and a day on Kusadasi was so enjoyable that we might do it again tomorrow.… Read more

  • Enjoyable First Few Days in Turkey

    We have only been in Kusadasi, Turkey for a few days, but we are already having a wonderful time. Going to Ephesus and Pergamon are definitely the highlights so far, but we have a lot planned in the upcoming days. We can’t wait to go through all of our photos and truly share what we’ve… Read more

  • Adventure to Turkey and Bulgaria is Imminent

    We realize that we have been relatively quiet as of late, mostly due to our recent move across the country to Baltimore. We have finally settled in as we near the six-month milestone and an actual adventure has been long overdue. We have scheduled a trip to Turkey and Bulgaria that leaves this coming Thursday… Read more