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  • The Valley of the Kings

    There are many fascinating sites to visit when in Luxor, Egypt, and the Valley of the Kings is certainly one of those. We spent two days in Luxor, first visiting the east bank of the Nile with Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple and then visiting the west bank on the second day. Two days is… Read more

  • Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt

    The Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor is an extremely impressive site in Egypt and is probably the second most visited site in Egypt behind the Great Pyramids of Giza. Part of what makes it so fascinating is the sheer size of the complex as well as the length of time during which additions and modifications… Read more

  • Frozen in Time

    Have you ever wished that you could stop time? For those of you who are old enough to remember, there was an old Twilight Zone show where a man has a magical stop watch that will freeze time for everyone but himself. There probably isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t wish we… Read more

  • When the People Move On

    No matter where you travel, you will often find towns and cities where the people have left in large numbers because they couldn’t make a living where they were. They aren’t necessarily ghost towns, but they will be in time if nothing changes to keep the people from leaving. This is true no matter the… Read more

  • Our Trip to Egypt Has Come to an End

    Right now, we are sitting in the Frankfurt airport waiting for the next leg of our flight. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to visit our friends here, which makes it doubly sad as our adventure comes to an end. We spent our last couple of days learning about the culture, the people, and the… Read more

  • We Have Arrived Back in Cairo

    After a busy day in Aswan, we flew back to Cairo yesterday so that we could spend a full day in Giza. We have already realized that we have barely scratched the surface of what Egypt has to offer that a return trip is definitely in order. Our trip is close to coming to an… Read more