Latest Blog Posts

  • Creating a Photo Diary

    Almost everyone takes photographs when they are traveling, but there is a difference between taking photographs at each location that you visit and capturing the experience as a whole. If you take photographs as you walk around a city and capture the entire experience, it almost becomes its own visual diary. You can look back… Read more

  • Chicken Schnitzel with Mushroom Gravy

    We definitely had a variety of schnitzels while we were living in Germany.  One of the first ones that we had was considered a Hunter’s Schnitzel, so we decided to do a version of that for ourselves. Generally speaking, schnitzel is very easy to make and can be done with pork, chicken, or veal. The… Read more

  • How Do You Get Noticed?

    Even if you are a wallflower or not, there are times when you want to be noticed. Everyone wants to be recognized for their accomplishments, whether personal or work related, we all need validation of what we’ve achieved. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the acknowledgement that we are hoping for and sometimes it seems as… Read more

  • Tips for Balancing Life, Blogging, Travel, and Work

    There are days when wake up and don’t know how we’re are going to get everything done that we need to do on that particular day. With so many obligations and expectations, people often ask us how we manage to get it all done without losing our minds in the process. The short answer is… Read more

  • Florence, Italy

    There are only a few cities in the world that leave an impression on your soul that will remain with you forever. Florence is definitely one of those cities. There is something uniquely special about the way you feel when walking the streets of this historic city with all of its art and medieval architecture.… Read more

  • Traveling on Spaceship Earth

    As you travel to various parts of the world, you begin to realize that the planet that we live on has some strange and fascinating features due to the forces that created it. There are definitely places that we have visited that seem almost other-worldly. You could easily imagine yourself as having stepped off of… Read more