Latest Blog Posts

  • Ecuador – Land of Biodiversity

    Ecuador is a country made up of three distinct regions, each with their own opportunities to discover. There is the coastal region, which also includes the Galapagos Islands, the highlands with the Andes mountains and all of the volcanoes, and the Amazon with the largest variety of plants and animals of any country. We did… Read more

  • Quito, Ecuador – Old World Charm

    During our time in Ecuador, we made Quito our home base and then did excursions from there. We had a lot of things planned for our visit to Ecuador, so we sandwiched our excursions with time in Quito before and after our various adventures. It worked out really well because we had a couple of… Read more

  • Coming Home, Does it Make You Happy or Sad?

    Returning home after a trip is always a mix of emotions, the comfort of being home and sadness to see a journey come to an end. There is definitely a different sense of emotions as you fly home as opposed to heading to a new destination. The trip home is subdued and usually a general… Read more

  • Saying Goodbye to Ecuador

    After a very busy trip to Ecuador, it is finally time for us to return to Colorado. Our time in Ecuador was everything that we had hoped for, from climbing volcanoes to canoeing in the Amazon. We saw so many amazing sights during our two weeks and are looking forward to sharing each of our… Read more

  • We Made it to the Jungle

    It took almost five hours in two different types of canoes to reach our eco-lodge, but we are here, safe and sound, in the Amazon rainforest. We have already seen an amazing array of birds and other animals. There have definitely been times where we felt as though we had stepped back in time and… Read more

  • Standing in the Middle of the World

    We had another interesting and exhausting day in Ecuador. We rode a cable car above the city, hiked another volcano, and went to the equator (twice). The scenery and the people have been amazing and we are truly enjoying our time here. As we have mentioned before, tomorrow we leave for the jungle and will… Read more