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  • Travel and Blogging – Is it Work?

    Almost every blogger’s dream is to turn their passion into a career that can pay the bills and fulfill their desires, whether that is traveling, cooking, or some other interest. We certainly have not found the secret of success, but we do get a definite sense of satisfaction through all of the interactions that we… Read more

  • The Eiffel Tower is an Iconic Landmark

    There are very few man-made structures that come to symbolize a city or country. The Statue of Liberty, the Sphinx, and the Eiffel Tower all invoke images of the countries where they reside. We have yet to visit Egypt, but we have gone to the Statue of Liberty in New York as well as gone… Read more

  • The Black Beaches of Iceland

    There was so much spectacular scenery as we drove around the southern and western parts of Iceland. As we drove along the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, we really enjoyed seeing the black beaches, which are basically lava flows that extend into the ocean. The peninsula is often referred to as “Iceland in miniature” because it has everything… Read more

  • Moroccan Chicken with Potatoes, Apricots, and Harissa Sauce

    One of our favorite memories of our trip to Morocco was having lunch at a small, family-owned restaurant where they cooked us chicken in a tajine. Tajines themselves are quite beautiful, but they are also functional for cooking one pot meals. We bought a tajine while we were in Morocco, but it was too small… Read more

  • Walking in the Steps of the Incan Empire

    During our trip to Bolivia, we truly enjoyed visiting Incan ruins such as Incallajta and Tiwanaku. We learn so much about the ancient civilizations of Rome and Egypt, but very little is taught in schools about the Inca and the empire that they created in South America. Its size and political systems rivaled any other… Read more

  • Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin, Ireland

    Almost everyone we spoke to about what to do during our visit to Dublin recommended us taking a tour of Kilmainham Gaol. Kilmainham Gaol is a former prison in Dublin that has been converted into a prison museum. It has been used as a set for many movies including In the Name of the Father… Read more