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  • Crossroads of Life

    We all make decisions every day, some small and some large. Every now and then we need to make decisions that may change our lives going forward. Do we keep going the direction that we are on or do we turn right or left and change our course? It could be as simple as a… Read more

  • Roasted Duck with Plum Glaze

    One of the meals that we had quite often while we were in Europe was roasted duck. Since we were there through autumn and winter, game foods such as duck, goose, elk, deer, and rabbit were commonly found as the specialty for the season. Usually the duck was served with some sort of a berry… Read more

  • The First Glimpse of Someplace New

    When traveling to someplace new, the first glimpse of that location is often out of the window of a plane. There is nothing like the excitement that you feel when you hear the plane going into the final approach of your destination. As the ground gets closer and the various sights come closer into view,… Read more

  • Falcon Trail on the Air Force Academy

    We decided to hike a trail on the grounds of the Air Force Academy here in Colorado Springs. The Falcon Trail is a trail that we have never hiked before and it is a 13 mile loop, but we just did a few miles of it. Since we have had a rather wet summer, the… Read more

  • The Roman Agora in Athens, Greece

    One of the sites that is included when you buy the multi-ticket for the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, is the Roman Agora. There is also the Ancient Agora, also known as the Agora of Athens, but the Roman Agora is smaller, yet still interesting. An agora is an open space that is used for markets… Read more

  • Everyone Needs a Diversion

    Like everyone else, our days are quite hectic with work and family life. If we didn’t find something to divert ourselves from the day-to-day doldrums, we would likely find ourselves battling depression. We use planning travel as our way to escape the daily routines. We have finalized our travel plans for our trip to Ecuador,… Read more