Latest Blog Posts

  • Red Cabbage and Spätzle

    During our time in Germany, we were treated to red cabbage and spätzle at several different restaurants and in several different cities. We really enjoyed it as it was very different from what we had eaten here in the United States. So, when we came across Osso Buco with red cabbage and spätzle on a… Read more

  • Road Trips are an American Tradition

    Most people who grew up in the United States have memories of strapping themselves into the backseat of the car and taking a road trip to someplace for vacation. Unlike Europe, there aren’t convenient transportation options, so the only affordable way to get anywhere is to drive. We certainly took our kids on many different… Read more

  • Connecting the World

    In this modern world where almost any destination is an airplane ride away or even an internet search away, it is hard to imagine a time when travel was difficult or sometimes impossible. Since the beginning of civilization, people have always been finding ways to connect with other parts of the world, whether by building… Read more

  • Would You Live on a Houseboat?

    When we were in Amsterdam, one of the common sights on the various canals were the different houseboats that were tied up all along the canal walls. We understand that the cost of buildings is extremely high in Amsterdam and living in a houseboat is an option to live there without having to purchase one… Read more

  • Moussaka – Greek Lasagna

    One of the dishes that we truly enjoyed while we were staying in Europe was Moussaka. Although we went to Athens, Greece, it was in Frankfurt that we ended up trying Moussaka for the first time. Most of the staff at our favorite restaurant were actually Greek and although it was a French Bistro, they… Read more

  • Crossing Rivers in the Rainforest

    Since there are not a lot of roads in the jungles of South America, local residents get creative on ways to cross the many rivers. Especially during the rainy season, these rivers can be quite treacherous, so the last thing that anyone would want to do is take a boat to try and cross them.… Read more