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  • Is There a Special Place in Your Heart?

    While we were in Europe, we made a point of spending a weekend in Paris and buying an oil painting from one of the artists along the Seine. We had it stretched and framed and we picked it up from the framer over the weekend and when we saw it, the painting brought back fond… Read more

  • The Ravages of Time

    One of the most interesting things about traveling to different places is getting to see how places have evolved over time. There is only one constant in life and that is that change is always occurring. Whether it is the growth of certain cities, the collapse of civilizations, or just nature changing the face of… Read more

  • Hurry Up and Wait

    Anyone who travels with any kind of consistency knows that a lot of time is spent waiting for the plane or train to start boarding. It would be a depressing thought to calculate just how much of our lives have been spent sitting in airport lounges or train station platforms. On top of having to… Read more

  • Pork and Potatoes – A Classic Combination

    Throughout our time in Europe, we had many different variations of pork and potatoes together. Whether sausages or pork roast, potatoes pair perfectly with any type of pork dish. We decided to take some leftover ham and combine it with scalloped potatoes and cheese for a quick and easy dinner. It isn’t a fancy dish… Read more

  • Driving Across Water

    In order to get to Copacabana on Lake Titicaca from La Paz, Bolivia, you have to take a ferry across a portion of lake. While you obviously don’t drive across the lake, it was fascinating to see large buses being ferried across the water. It took quite a while to get across and the water… Read more

  • Skyline Beer Garden in Denver, Colorado

    Denver provides a variety of special events over the summer to provide activities for the many tourists who visit the area. While it might not rival the beer gardens that we saw in Germany, the Skyline Beer Garden on the 16th Street Mall was definitely a lot of fun. There were games for kids of… Read more