Latest Blog Posts

  • We Have Arrived in Italy

    This is our last trip of our extended stay here in Europe and we have every intention of making the most of it.  We arrived in Florence late Saturday night and awoke to a gorgeous day.  We have a lot planned in our few days in Italy, a few days in Florence, a few days… Read more

  • Change Your Perspective

    We have mentioned before that we like taking photos from above the places that we are visiting, that it provides a unique perspective that can’t be found from just walking the streets. The also is true when flying, when you get a chance to see cities, towns, or the countryside in unique and different ways. For… Read more

  • Making the Most of a Few Days in Amsterdam

    Once again we took advantage of the opportunity to travel from Frankfurt and took a four-hour train ride to Amsterdam. We were lucky that the weather cooperated for the most part, although we did have one really rainy day. There was a lot to see and absorb in the few days that we had and… Read more

  • Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland

    Christ Church Cathedral (The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity) sits in the heart of Dublin in the medieval section of the city. Dublin doesn’t have an old town like many other places in Europe that we have visited, but it does have some historical points of interest, of which this medieval church is one of… Read more

  • A Few Days in Ireland

    We had a wonderful time over the past few days visiting the land of our family ancestors. It was too short and the weather was not ideal, but the trip was very memorable despite those things. We visited several sites, which will be very special memories that we will always treasure. There is very much for… Read more

  • One Giant Step Leads to Another

    When astronaut Neil Armstrong claimed that one small step for man was a giant leap for mankind, he captured a sentiment that all those who explore have known throughout their lives. It takes leaps of faith to venture and go forth and by doing so, we grow as human beings and our societies become more… Read more