Latest Blog Posts

  • Getting Away from it All

    With exactly four weeks left for our stay here in Germany, at least for the time-being, things are becoming extremely hectic. We are flying our mother over to Dublin to spend several days in Ireland, which has been a life-long dream of hers. After that, we have a couple of weeks to see as much… Read more

  • Soggy Weekend in Paris, France

    We were determined not to let the weather dampen our spirits as we ventured back to the city of love for a quick weekend trip. Although it was definitely a rainy weekend, we enjoyed our trip as much as if the sun had been shining from sunrise to sunset. Since we had been to Paris before,… Read more

  • The World Outside of Your Window

    It is fair to say that over the past few months, the view outside of our window has changed on a weekly basis. Often, just for ourselves, we will take photos from our hotel room or even through the windows of some historic location that we are visiting. For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week,… Read more

  • Spending the Weekend in Paris

    We are nearing the end of our time in Germany, so we are planning on traveling as much as possible over the next few weeks. Before starting what will be an whirlwind several weeks, which starts with a trip to Dublin next week, we decided to take a quick weekend trip to Paris. We haven’t… Read more

  • The Food of Romania

    No matter where we visit, one of the important things for us is to taste the traditional foods of the region. Visiting Romania was no exception and we asked all of the locals that we met what foods we should eat while we were there. We were able to try the greatest variety of food while we… Read more

  • Symbols of Love

    One of the things that we have found interesting during our time here in Germany are the bridges that are covered in “love locks”, which are various locks clamped to the sides of the bridges. They are meant to be a sign of enduring love, an opportunity to show that couples are bound to each… Read more