Latest Blog Posts

  • Stepping Back in Time

    There is something truly magical about walking through the ruins of an ancient civilization. Perhaps in another life we would have been archeologists, searching for long lost treasures buried by the sands of time. Certainly our trip to Athens was another example of that desire to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors. It is… Read more

  • A Time for Reflection

    As another new year starts and we look back on 2016, there is a lot for us to consider and to reflect upon. To say that it was a tumultuous year would be an extreme understatement, but at the same time, it was a year of tremendous opportunities. We have travelled more in a single year… Read more

  • Three Days in Athens, Greece

    We have had an amazing time over the past eleven days.  Prague was an magical place to spend Christmas and Athens was equally special for New Year’s weekend. One of the things that we didn’t expect was that the entire city of Athens would shut down for New Year’s Day, including all of the temples and… Read more

  • AdAmAn Club – New Year’s Eve on Pikes Peak

    We are sitting at the airport getting ready to fly to Athens and thinking about what an interesting year it has been. We haven’t had time to truly reflect on everything that we have experienced, but we thought that we would re-share a post that we published a year ago. We miss Colorado, but we… Read more

  • Spending Christmas in Prague

    As we mentioned, we decided to go to Prague over the Christmas weekend since we didn’t have any family in town. We still have another day before we fly back to Frankfurt, but it has been a wonderful time. Apparently a lot of other people had the same idea and it has been extremely busy,… Read more

  • Do Not Abandon All Hope

    To say that the last twelve months has been interesting would be an understatement. Not just for the personal changes that have occurred, but equally for everything that has happened in the world. As we have mentioned, our site is not a political site, but there is no way to avoid the consequences of such… Read more