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  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Life Imitates Art

    When we were in San Francisco, we had a gorgeous view of the city from our hotel room. We were playing around with the shutter speeds and aperture settings, but we didn’t have our tripod with us. The result was what you see here. We definitely weren’t trying to do anything artistic, let alone imitate… Read more

  • The Louvre – An Art Lovers Paradise

    We are not art aficionados, but we do really enjoy and appreciate art. Needless to say, one should not go to Paris without visiting the Louvre. It is definitely a museum that you could visit a hundred times and always see and find something new. Of course there is the Mona Lisa, which draws huge… Read more

  • Dill Dip with Rye Bread

    We’ve been enjoying this dip for years, but we simply call it “Bread Dip”. When we can get the rye bread in a shepherds loaf, we will hollow out the loaf and put the dip into the bread, which makes for a great presentation.  Rye bread and dill might not be a combination that you… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Time

    We gave some thought to the time challenge and what came to our minds was something that lasted throughout time. We considered some ancient ruins, fossils, and statues, but in the end we decided on petroglyphs or cave drawings. Seeing an expression of human existence that has survived the passage of time is awe-inspiring. Knowing… Read more

  • Seeking Adventure

    We’re not exactly thrill seekers, but we do like to push our limits at times and do things that take us out of our comfort zone. One of the nice things about resort destinations these days is that they provide all sorts of opportunities for those that would like to do something a little more… Read more

  • Technology Has Changed the Way We Travel

    It is an obvious statement and perhaps just another sign that we’re not as tech savvy as our children’s generation. Or, maybe its just another indication that we’ve been on the planet long enough to see the whole world change. When we booked our latest trip, we did it all using apps on our phone.… Read more