Latest Blog Posts

  • Interacting with History in Williamsburg, Virginia

    When we visited Williamsburg in Virginia back in June of 2001, it was a fascinating experience with many different reenactments and interactive activities. From what we have read, it seems to still be the case today as well. Williamsburg was once the capital of Virginia and was also one of the wealthiest colonies in America.… Read more

  • Travel in an Uncertain World – Part III

    When the world first shut down in March, it definitely created a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. First and foremost, we’ve stayed healthy and followed all of the appropriate guidance. At the time we had just gotten back from a quick trip to Acapulco, Mexico the month earlier and had finalized our trip to Turkey… Read more

  • Riding Bicycles in the Ninh Binh Province of Vietnam

    One of the things that was included in our tour of the Ninh Binh Province in Vietnam was riding bicycles through the countryside and along the rice paddies. Well, at least that was the description in the tour literature. We did ride bicycles, but it was not through the idyllic countryside, but rather through construction.… Read more

  • The City of Bucharest in Romania

    Bucharest is the capital of Romania and was the first city that we visited during our trip to Romania before heading to Brasov. We were there in winter and the streets were covered with snow, but we still found it interesting. Bucharest became the capital of Romania in 1862 and was, at one time, considered… Read more

  • Moroccan-Style Chicken

    We love the spices of Moroccan food and one of our favorite memories of visiting Morocco was going to the market and buying spices to bring home with us. We also bought a tajine while we were in Morocco, but we chose to use a slow cooker for this recipe. Obviously, you can use a… Read more

  • Making the Most of a Trip to Hanoi, Vietnam

    Visiting Hanoi in northern Vietnam is truly an amazing experience. We spent a little over a week exploring Hanoi and taking excursions into the countryside. We also did an overnight cruise in Halong Bay, which was certainly one of the highlights of our trip. We stayed in Hanoi’s old quarter, which has a variety of… Read more