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  • We Miss the European Rail System

    Now, probably more than ever, we miss the convenience and efficiency of the European rail system. Part of it is due to where we live in the United States, because the states are so large and it takes a long time to even get out of Colorado. When we were living in Germany, which is… Read more

  • Settlement Centre in Borgarnes, Iceland

    During our stay in Reykjavik in Iceland, we made the hour-long drive to Borgarnes, going through a five kilometer tunnel underneath one of the bays, and enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the restaurant of the Settlement Centre.  We then took the tour through the museum, which consisted of two thirty-minute audio tours that covered the… Read more

  • Tuscan Chicken with Green Beans and Bacon

    We have enjoyed many different styles of chicken dishes throughout our travels. Tuscany is known for its cooking and use of fresh ingredients, so we decided to create a Tuscan style chicken for dinner recently. Butterflying the chicken, technically called spatchcocked, is a great way to reduce the cooking time and still giving a crispy… Read more

  • Top Things To Do When Visiting Vientiane in Laos

    We spent a few days in Vientiane, which is the capital of Laos, during our trip to Southeast Asia. Although it was a short trip to the country, it was certainly full of fascinating sights and an opportunity to gain insight into the culture. We had a guide for the entire time that we spent… Read more

  • The Charming Town of Telluride, Colorado

    The town of Telluride in Colorado has managed to keep that small town feel despite being a popular resort destination in both the summer and winter seasons. In order to allow the town to keep is historic feel, the resorts are purposely located in the Mountain Village with a free gondola providing transportation between the… Read more

  • Views from the Airplane

    It is hard to believe that it has been more than five months since the last time that we boarded an airplane to go someplace new. Several years ago we started taking photographs through the windows of the airplanes, cars, and trains that we travel on. We actually find it interesting to look back not… Read more