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  • Traditional Clothing of South America

    Traveling around the countryside and markets of Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, we have had the opportunity to see many of the local people wearing traditional garments. Many of the people are Quechua who are famous for wearing the bowler hats, but you will find people wearing various different styles of hats and garments depending on… Read more

  • Khan el-Khalili Bazaar in Old Cairo, Egypt

    Visiting markets wherever you visit is certainly worthwhile, but there is something very special about the bazaars in the middle east. Khan el-Khalili Bazaar in the Old Town Center of Cairo, Egypt, also known as Old Cairo, is certainly one of them. They can be quite busy and you need to be aware of your… Read more

  • Historiensäule Monument in Koblenz, Germany

    We saw a wide variety of interesting monuments, fountains, and statues during our time in Europe. Of particular interest was a monument in Koblenz, Germany, that depicts 2000 years of the city’s history in a single fountain/monument called Historiensäule. Each ring of the monument depicts different eras of the city’s history and is quite fascinating.… Read more

  • The Historical Center of Lima, Peru

    Old town in Lima, also referred to as the Historical Center, is probably most known for its colorful colonial buildings with their fascinating balconies, but there is certainly much more to see than just the architecture. To make the most of your time in the downtown area and we would suggest starting out at the… Read more

  • Seeing Street Art When Traveling

    We have seen some truly interesting and beautiful art on the sides of buildings during our travels. Obviously not all of it is good and there is still plenty of graffiti to be found, but the work done by true artists can be quite wonderful. Art is something that unites all of us and the… Read more

  • Travel in an Uncertain World – Part II

    Slowly, but surely, the world is starting to reopen once again. When everything first started shutting down three months ago, we weren’t sure what travel was going to look like after the pandemic. Obviously, it is still early days, but there are some hopeful signs ahead. We have tentatively rescheduled our trip to Turkey to… Read more