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  • Middle Eastern Spinach Pie

    Spinach and cheese pies can be found in a variety of locations, but they are common in the Middle East where they are made as a single serving pie called Fatayer. We made ours as a larger pie that serves about four people. It is quite tasty and while we had it for a main… Read more

  • Skyscrapers and City Skylines

    Traveling provides such a wonderful opportunity to see historic locations as well as the ingenuity of the human race. Cities have evolved over time and each generation has added to their splendor in a variety of different ways. We certainly enjoy seeing the historic old town areas, the beautiful cathedrals, and the grand architecture of… Read more

  • Honoring Unknown Soldiers Around the World

    Tributes to fallen soldiers can be found throughout the world and they are often somber and sobering experiences. Memorials to unknown soldiers are particularly impactful and are often accompanied with special ceremonies. The tradition started at the end of WWI with both England and France creating their own versions of the tombs. Although there are… Read more

  • Variations of Lasagna

    We have enjoyed a variety of lasagna meals throughout our different travels, but especially during our time in Italy. Although lasagna refers to the traditional tomato, meat, and cheese between layers of pasta, more generally speaking it is just food that is layered. We have enjoyed some very creative lasagna meals over the years and… Read more

  • Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy

    To say that Florence is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in Europe would not be an understatement. There are so many wonderful places to see in Florence and the Piazza della Signoria is certainly one of them for many reasons. The plaza is an outdoor museum with many different historic statues. It… Read more