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  • Wat That Luang Neua in Vientiane, Laos

    Of the many temples that we visited during our time in Vientiane, Wat That Luang Neua was one of the most interesting. From the reclining Buddha statue to the colorful images depicting the life of Buddha, it is truly a beautiful temple. Located near the famous Pha That Luang, it is certainly worth taking the… Read more

  • St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Hanoi, Vietnam

    Although the majority of religious sites that we visited in Vietnam were temples and pagodas, we did enjoy seeing the St. Joseph’s Cathedral when we were in Hanoi. It is a classic, Gothic-style cathedral with a large courtyard in front of the church. During our visit to the cathedral, there were many people enjoying the… Read more

  • Rack of Lamb

    Lamb is one those ingredients that is quite common around the world and can be used in a variety of dishes. Rack of lamb makes for an elegant presentation and is very tasty if cooked properly. One of the keys to cooking a successful lamb is to make sure that you don’t undercook or overcook… Read more

  • Celebrating Key Milestones Through Travel

    We have always enjoyed linking travel to key milestones in our lives. By celebrating a significant event in a special location not only enhances the memory of it, but also makes recalling that memory easier. One of the most common milestones that we usually celebrate during a trip is our wedding anniversary. We were supposed… Read more

  • Awkward Birds in the Wild

    Although most birds are graceful, there are some birds that are just downright awkward. Even though turkeys and roosters can actually fly, they don’t do it very often and when they do, they don’t seem very comfortable. They spend most of their time on the ground with their heads bobbing back and forth to help… Read more

  • Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Anyone visiting Colorado should definitely make their way to Colorado Springs to visit the Garden of the Gods.  The rock formations, with their vibrant reddish-orange color, are visually stunning against the back drop of Pikes Peak and the surrounding foothills.  It is hard to imagine that the majestic orange sandstone rocks that are so beautiful today… Read more