Latest Blog Posts

  • The Tower of London

    The more formal name of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London is probably a better representation of what you will see if you visit the Tower of London. It is actually a castle complex with several buildings and not just a tower as you might expect when you first hear… Read more

  • Enjoying Food During Our Travels

    Eating local food when traveling is a wonderful way to experience the culture and try dishes that can’t be found where you live. We try to go to as many places and try as many different types of foods as we can during our trips, even if it means stopping at several locations over several… Read more

  • Mount Falcon Park in Colorado

    A while ago, we decided to head up to go hiking near Morrison, Colorado, which is a small town just outside of Denver. It is the home of the famous Red Rocks Amphitheatre, but we were there to get up into the mountains and enjoy some of the last days of summer. Any trail that… Read more

  • Some of Our Favorite Landmark Photographs

    We often look back at our photographs, usually when writing about a place that we have visited, but often just to consider displaying in our home. We have a digital frame that does a slideshow of our pictures. One of the famous landmarks that we don’t have here is the Statue of Liberty in New… Read more

  • All Inclusive – Do You Get Your Money’s Worth?

    Many resorts in Mexico, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and other beach destinations tend to require that you purchase all-inclusive packages that cover all of your meals and drinks for the entirety of your stay. While there are plenty of reasons that all-inclusive resorts are nice, we tend to think that it really favors the resort more… Read more

  • The COPE Visitor Center in Vientiane, Laos

    During our trip to Vientiane we visited the COPE Visitor Center, which is partly a museum, but also provides insight into the work that COPE does in Laos. Visiting the center wasn’t on our original itinerary, but we ended up with enough time during our tour of the city to fit it in. The country… Read more