Latest Blog Posts

  • Sunset Cruise in Acapulco, Mexico

    We happened to be in Acapulco over Valentines Day, so we decided to do a sunset cruise to make it a romantic evening. The cruise left from the marina, which was about fifteen minutes from our resort. The cruise takes you out through the bay and into the ocean where the views are amazing. We… Read more

  • We’re Back from Acapulco

    When we left for Acapulco last week, we drove to the airport in a blinding snow storm only to return yesterday in yet another snow storm. How quickly the warmth of the beach drained away from us, but we had a wonderful time for the most part. The only reason that it was only for… Read more

  • Heading to Acapulco, Mexico

    We have an early morning flight to Acapulco tomorrow and are looking forward to relaxing on the beach and seeing the famous cliff divers. This is our sixth trip to Mexico, but our first to Acapulco as well as the first time we have visited at this time of year as we usually visit in… Read more

  • Halong Bay Tour in Vietnam

    One of the most popular tours to take when visiting Hanoi, Vietnam is to go to Halong Bay. It is certainly one of the most recognizable places in all of Vietnam with the mountains jutting up from the bay, which according to myth is the result of a dragons descending to earth. Halong Bay actually… Read more

  • What Was Your Wanderlust Moment?

    We had been taking vacations for years where we would visit interesting locations throughout the United States. We even traveled abroad and to Mexico, but as we look back now, we were tourists not travelers in those days. The trip that changed everything for us was when we went to Chennai, India. That was the trip where… Read more

  • Amsterdam Canal Cruise

    With all of the different canals in Amsterdam, taking a canal cruise is a great way to see the city and learn about its architecture as well as its history. We had also taken a walking tour of the city, but touring by boat was truly enjoyable. Most tours will take you by famous sites… Read more