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  • The Louvre in Paris, France – An Art Lovers Paradise

    We are not art aficionados, but we do really enjoy and appreciate art. Needless to say, one should not go to Paris without visiting the Louvre. It is definitely a museum that you could visit a hundred times and always see and find something new. Of course there is the Mona Lisa, which draws huge… Read more

  • Paint Mines Interpretive Park in Colorado

    Located near the town of Calhan, about a half hour outside of Colorado Springs, is very interesting park, called the Paint Mines Interpretive Park, with trails that wrap through colorful rock formations.  We visited the park while there was still snow on the ground, which made for some difficult hiking at times. Generally speaking, eastern… Read more

  • How to See Wildlife When Hiking

    We’ve been hiking in the mountains for years and have been fortunate to see our share of wildlife. Even better, we haven’t seen any bears or mountain lions, but we’ve come across fresh tracks and have been pretty certain that they’ve seen us. They say that if you hike in the mountains of Colorado, on… Read more

  • Exploring the Roman Forum in Rome, Italy

    Located adjacent to the Colosseum in Rome, Italy are the ruins of the Roman Forum. As with many other ancient ruins, when walking the grounds of the Roman Forum, one can’t help but imagine all of the individuals who influenced the history of the world walking those same steps. There are so many historic ruins that… Read more

  • Making the Most of Your Time in Cairo, Egypt

    Egypt is definitely a fascinating country for many reasons and there are so many incredible sights to see. For most people, a trip to Egypt will start or end in the capital city of Cairo. While there are many wonderful places to visit throughout Egypt, there is much to see in and around Cairo itself.… Read more

  • Achiote Marinated Salmon

    We love the tastes of Mexico and have enjoyed a variety of special dishes throughout our many trips to the country. One of the things that we enjoy about Mexican dishes are the various spices and peppers that they use in them. This dish has spice, but it isn’t at all spicy. Achiote is made… Read more