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  • Getting Views of a City

    Wherever we travel, one of the things that we always try to do is go to a location that provides wonderful views from above the city. Whether climbing to the top of a bell tower, going to the observation deck of a skyscraper, or climbing to the top of a hill that overlooks the city,… Read more

  • The Food of Breckenridge

    Like any resort town, there are a lot of restaurant choices in Breckenridge, Colorado. You can also find just about any type of food that you might desire, but the vast majority of them are what we’d consider to be western in style. We consider western style to be a lot of steaks, burgers, and… Read more

  • Cochabamba in the Heart of Bolivia

    Located in the center of Bolivia, Cochabamba is a wonderful city to start an adventure in this diverse country. Like many cities in South America, Cochabamba has a history that was dominated by the Spanish and many of the buildings and churches date back to 1500’s. In addition to the city itself, Cochabamba is also… Read more

  • The Snæfellsnes Peninsula – Iceland in Miniature

    Our last full day in Iceland was also one of our busiest and most rewarding. It started out a little stressful as we woke to a fresh five or six inches of snow on the roads and we had a two and half to three-hour drive to peninsula ahead of us.  We had rented a… Read more

  • Family Friendly Breckenridge in Colorado

    Breckenridge is a resort town in the Colorado mountains that is quite popular for skiing during the winter and hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities in the summer. With so many things to do in Breckenridge, it is a great place to spend at least several days, if not an entire week. Not only are… Read more

  • Burro Trail in Breckenridge, Colorado

    We spent a long weekend in Breckenridge, Colorado and one of our main priorities was to get out and do some hiking. Breckenridge has many options for hiking trails, so we chose one that was near where we were staying called Burro Trail. The trail is considered moderate and has some beautiful scenery, including following… Read more