It is a proven fact that people generally don’t look upwards and tend to keep their eyes forward or down. It is a shame sometimes as they are likely missing out on some beautiful scenery. We’re not saying that we are better than others at it, but we do try to look up at times, especially when we go hiking. We have seen a variety of birds and other animals by scanning the tree branches above us for anything that might be moving. Although things don’t appear to be looking up in general, here are a few images to help us all look up.
Hiking in the Amazon Jungle of BoliviaObelisk Reaching to the Sky in Luxor, EgyptSeabird OverheadAspen Leaves and Blue SkiesIn the Ecuadorian JungleAutumn Tree in Koblenz, GermanyBird Taking Flight in Panama
We spent a long weekend in Breckenridge, Colorado and one of our main priorities was to get out and do some hiking. Breckenridge has many options for hiking trails, so we chose one that was near where we were staying called Burro Trail. The trail is considered moderate and has some beautiful scenery, including following a stream for much of it. The overall elevation gain wasn’t too bad, although it was steep in some places, which is pretty normal for any hike in the Colorado mountains.
Hiking Through the WoodsCrossing a Stream on the Way to the TrailheadLooking Up Through the TreesRoots Across the TrailPurple Wildflowers
In order to get to the trailhead, we had to take a smaller trail that wound its way through the woods near our condominium. Although not part of Burro Trail, it was also quite beautiful, winding through meadows, woods, and crossing several streams. Once on the actual trail, we hiked through pine tree forests and saw a variety of wildflowers as well as some wild berries. The weather was absolutely perfect with mild temperatures and sunny skies. Burro Trail is an “out and back” trail that is a little over 6 miles in length if you do the entire trail. We didn’t go to the very end, but close enough to give us a good 3 1/2 hour hike.
Wild BerriesHiking Along the StreamGetting into the MountainsOne of the Flat Areas on the TrailRushing Water
As with many trails in the mountains, we came across a few other hikers, but for the most part we were alone to enjoy the tranquility of nature. We didn’t come across any wildlife during our hike, but we were told that moose are particularly active around Breckenridge this time of year. With such beautiful scenery, Burro Trail was a perfect hike to start our time in Breckenridge. It was strenuous enough to get our legs tired and earn a couple of craft beers.
Bridge on the Trail Before Burro TrailWonderful HikeWater Flowing Over RocksColorful WildflowersHiking Through a Meadow
During autumn, when the leaves begin to fall, we love taking walks among the fallen leaves. Especially when there is a slight breeze and the leaves fall all around you. If the leaves are dry, the soft crunch as you walk along the trail or sidewalk makes for a relaxing background noise. It can be very colorful seeing all of the leaves spread all across the ground. It is no wonder that it is something that we revisit again and again in our photographs as it invokes such strong memories both visually as well as with the other senses. When looking at photographs like these, it is almost as if you can feel the breeze, smell the autumn air, and even hear the rustling of the leaves overhead.
Tree Lined SidewalkEntrance to a Castle Covered in LeavesLeaves in a Park in WarwickCool Temperatures and Fallen LeavesColorado TrailWalking Along the Rhine RiverLeaves Blowing on the SidewalkLeaves Beneath the Trees