Latest Blog Posts

  • The Hike That Wasn’t

    After a couple of weeks with snowy weather in Colorado, we finally had a gorgeous weekend with warm temperatures.  We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go hiking in Castlewood Canyon State Park.  Our thought was that hiking in the canyon would be better than trying to get up into the mountains,… Read more

  • Walking the Streets of Paris

    At the time that we visited Paris, there was a transit strike occurring, which limited the availability of buses and trains.  So, when we arrived early in the morning on our first day in Paris, we went to our hotel, which was really more of a bed and breakfast, checked our bags and headed out… Read more

  • Daily Post Discover Challenge – Perspective

    This week’s challenge is to provide the vantage point from which we blog, our perspective. Since we have a warped view of the world at times, we thought that this photo best described our perspective, both a reflection of what we see as well as a little bent. 🙂 Read more

  • Roasted Leg of Lamb with Gravy

    We have very specific meals that we have on special occasions and lamb is our Easter tradition. There is something about having lamb that is very emblematic of the coming of spring to us and we look forward to this meal every year. It doesn’t have to be a leg of lamb, but that is… Read more

  • Warwick Castle – A Trip into History

    We have plenty of wonderful memories from our trip to England, but one of our favorite memories is of Warwick Castle. Walking around the grounds of the castle is like walking back in time to England’s rich history when lords, ladies, and knights ruled the land.  This was prior to the popularity of Downton Abby,… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Half-Light

    For this week’s challenge, Half-Light, we were supposed to take inspiration from a poem, song lyric, or literary work of art for a picture that captured the moments just before dusk. Watching the ships coming in from the Strait of Gibraltar brought back fond memories for us since we lived on the water for the… Read more