Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides

Although they can certainly be romantic, we don’t tend to do the horse-drawn carriage rides in most of the cities that we visit. Unfortunately, often the horses are not treated well and the prices that they charge are generally not worth the experience. Sometimes you can get some interesting information about the city from the driver, but often times you can’t always trust what they are telling you. In New York City, they are considering banning the horse-drawn carriages, which has a lot of people upset, but perhaps some regulation would do the industry some good. Even though we don’t usually go on a horse-drawn carriage ride, we decided to share a couple of photos from two of our more memorable experiences. One is from our 10th wedding anniversary that we spent in Disney World and the other is from the time that we got lost in Seville, Spain. We hope that you enjoy these photos for this week’s Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge.

Our Horse-Drawn Carriage in Seville
Going for a Ride in Disney World
Looking Down at the Carriages
Not Much of a View
The Driver that Got Lost in Seville
Our Carriage in Disney World