An Opportunity Missed

It is not uncommon to find extremely ornate doors on churches, cathedrals, museums, and castles throughout the world, but we found that in India it was common to see them on homes of everyday people. They are often carved with Hindu figures and with meaningful stories. We had visited the home of a friend while were in Chennai and their door had intricate carvings of Ganesh, the Hindu god with the head of an elephant. We didn’t take any pictures of their door out of respect for them. We do think that it was great to see that the people of India made sure to reuse doors when older buildings were being taken door to make way for new buildings.

Ornate Doors on the Baptistry in Florence, Italy
Fascinating Detail above this Door in India
Church Door in Bolivia

During our time in Chennai several years ago, we had come across a store that sold unique antiques. One of the most unusual items that we came across were tables that had been made out of some of the antique doors. We came extremely close to purchasing this particular table seen below and, in hind sight, we regret not making the purchase. The thought of having to pay for shipping ended up discouraging us from making this unique piece of furniture part of our home décor.  Lesson learned, in the future we’re not going to let the logistics and costs of shipping keep us from purchasing something that we truly wanted to purchase.

The Table We Wish We’d Bought
Cathedral Door in Prague
Ornate Doorway in a Mosque in Cairo, Egypt

Awkward Birds in the Wild

Although most birds are graceful, there are some birds that are just downright awkward. Even though turkeys and roosters can actually fly, they don’t do it very often and when they do, they don’t seem very comfortable. They spend most of their time on the ground with their heads bobbing back and forth to help balance out their bodies. There is a saying, “it is hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys”. These birds are definitely interesting to watch, especially when you see them in the wild.

Wild Turkeys in the Colorado Mountains

Colorful Rooster on a Trail in Vietnam

“Stinky Turkeys” in the Amazon Jungle

Turkeys Crossing the Road in Colorado Springs

Turkey in the Bolivian Jungle

More Wild Turkeys in Colorado

Turkey and Rooster on Death Road in Bolivia


Taking a Drive Back in Time

When we go on a road trip, we will often take photographs from our drive in a similar way to how we take pictures out of windows of an airplane. During our road trip to Scottsdale a few years ago, we took many different photographs as we made our way from Colorado to Arizona. We converted several of the pictures to black and white, which obviously changes the perspective. At least to us, seeing photographs in black and white has the effect of making it feel as though the pictures were taken some time back in time and not in the present day. Do you have an opinion of black and white photographs?

It Was a Cloudy Day

Rocky Bluffs

Bend in the Road

Crossing the Border

Runaway Truck Ramp


Scenery Along the Highway

Rolling Hills
