Sweet Memories

We are firm believers that if you stay young at heart, you will have a happier life in general. We try to stay energetic and push our boundaries wherever possible. We also try to view the places that we visit with same sense of awe and wonder of a child. One our favorite memories was of our 20th wedding anniversary when we went to Disney World without any children. It was an opportunity for us to really let our inner children out and have that sense that anything is possible. We went on many different rides and went to the various theme parks, thoroughly enjoying each of them. One of the ones that was especially enjoyable was Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park where memorable scenes from movies come to life before your very eyes. One movie that is definitely part of our childhoods is the Wizard of Oz and when we were in London several years ago, we even went to see a performance of Wicked in the West End Theatre District. So, when were in Disney World and saw scenes from the Wizard of Oz, it brought back wonderful memories from our childhood. It isn’t easy to take photos from a moving ride, but for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge of Sweet, we have chosen a few pictures that we took from that section of the ride. There were many other memorable sights during that ride, but these brought back a wonderful range of emotions.

Wicked Witch
Animated Characters
Follow the Yellow Brick Road


It Truly is a Small World After All

The more that you travel, the smaller the world truly feels. People are more the same than they are different, there are scenes of beauty everywhere, and every culture has contributed to our collective consciousness. For this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge – Tiny, we decided to think about our world view versus just taking photos of microscopic objects. During our 20th anniversary trip to Disney World, we rode on the Small World ride, which is definitely a glamorized version of the cultures of the world. Despite the over simplified theme, the truth of the message is still worth understanding. We live in a world that is getting smaller day-by-day. Not just due to population growth, but more due to technology and the ability to share knowledge and images instantaneously around the world. It truly is a small world and we are all on the same ride together, so we need to treat everyone as though they were our neighbors. We did toss in a picture of a figurine that we purchased in France several years ago, mostly because the Christmas Markets are starting here and we have already started collecting Christmas items from each of our travels here in Germany, one of our favorite travel traditions.

Koala Bears
Mexico Themed City
Irish Display
Day of the Dead
Flying Carpets
Another Scene from Mexico
Decoration from Paris


Smile and the World Smiles With You

This week’s Cee’s Fun Foot Challenge – Smiles, we decided to go a little whimsical. The first photo is from Disneyworld and is a cactus that has been shaped into a caricature of Pluto.

Cactus Pluto

We also included this picture of a giraffe from the local zoo.

Giraffe Who Wanted to Come With Us

And if the giraffe wasn’t enough, here is a photo of a bear who was having fun splashing in the water.

Playful Bear