Driving on the Wine Road Outside of Strasbourg

We truly enjoyed our time in Strasbourg and, even though it was after the vineyards had been harvested, we also enjoyed driving on part of the wine road. There is something beautiful about seeing all of the vines lined up in rows, but perhaps that is just because of the thought of the wines that they produce. Although there are certain regions that are synonymous with growing the grapes that produce excellent wines, these days you can find vineyards almost anyplace and they are definitely worth visiting. When you meet the people who run these vineyards, you appreciate the passion that they have for the grapes that they grow and wines that they produce. Alsace is definitely proud of the wines produced in the region and we tasted several wonderful varieties. Doing a full tour of the entire wine road is definitely something that we hope to do some day in the future.

Grape Vines Covering the Hillsides
Village Nestled in the Valley
Another View of the Village
Rows of Grape Vines
Must be Beautiful in Summer


Whimsical Artwork

There are so many wonderful statues and pieces of art in cities throughout the world. Most of them are usually very stoic and austere, but occasionally you run across something that just makes you smile. Who knows whether they were appreciated at the time that they were first unveiled and they often seem strangely out of place, but they are still interesting none the less. One of the statues that truly stood out to us was the pink bunny at the entrance to the train station outside of the opera house in Vienna. It really was an odd juxtaposition. Have you seen whimsical statues during your travels?

On the Streets of Reykjavik
At One Time it Hung on a Building in Amsterdam
On the River in Prague
Okay, It is Expected in Disney World
Fountain in Coroico, Bolivia
Downtown Denver
Ship of Fools in Nuremburg


Creating Unexpected Results

Many of us point and click our cameras and cell phones as we are traveling and when we get a chance to look back at our photos, sometimes the photos capture something different than what our eyes actually saw. Often these are happy accidents where the images turn out to be quite special and other times we are disappointed because it seemed so special at the time. We usually use auto-focus when traveling since we don’t always have time to stop and manually focus, which means that the camera might choose to focus on something different than intended. Also, the lighting might change how the image appears once we get a chance to look back at the photo. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, which is Horizontal Lines, we have decided to share some of our unintended results. Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by a photograph after you go back and look at the pictures that you have taken that day?

Ice Skating on Sidewalks in Vienna
Standing in the 9/11 Museum Entrance in New York
Ceiling in Cairo
Sun Setting on a Ship in Puerto Vallarta
Frozen Air on Stairs in Romania
Christmas Tree on a Restaurant Wall in Strasbourg
Longing for the Beach in India