Old New Orleans Rum Distillery in New Orleans

One of the places that we visited during our trip to New Orleans, Louisiana was the Old New Orleans Rum Distillery. They offer several tours a day during the week and a couple of tours on the weekend and the cost is extremely reasonable at $15 per person. It is the oldest premium rum distillery in the United States, which has more to do with the fact that the previous distilleries all closed in the 1970’s, so when they opened in the 1990’s, they became the first to reestablish a presence once again. Now there are more than 200 distilleries making rum once again, but the Old New Orleans Distillery is not only the oldest, but probably one of the best, winning several awards.

Cranberry Lime Punch
Preparing for the Trivia Game
Describing the Distilling Process

We were greeted with a cranberry lime punch with their Cajun Spice Rum. It was absolutely delicious and certainly a great start to our tour. Then our guide, Bob, began explaining the history of the distillery, as well as rum in general, while pouring several shots into cups in front of him. He then engaged our group with a quiz where the person who answered the question correctly was rewarded with one of the shots of rum. We answered a couple of questions, but stopped answering anymore since we knew that there was still a tasting to come later in the tour. It was a fun and lively way to get the entire group to participate and learn some interesting facts.

Distillery Vats
Katrina Flood Line Marker
Explaining the Tasting Process

We then entered the distillery itself and learned about the process of distilling rum. Interestingly, it doesn’t take as long to make excellent rum as it does other types of alcohol. We were shown the marks on the wall that showed how high the floods of Hurricane Katrina had reached within the distillery causing them to lose a majority of the oldest rum. Today, they keep the oldest rum on the highest shelves in order to avoid that from ever happening again. As with any distillery tour, it was informative and interesting to learn what makes them so passionate about their product. They are very proud of the fact that they take the extra step to filter the rum with activated charcoal, which makes it even smoother and enhances the overall flavor.


Charcoal to Filter the Rum
Oldest Rum Up High
Barrels of Rum

After the tour, we ended with a tasting of all six varieties of rum that they produce. We were certainly warm inside by the time our tour had concluded. Obviously there is the option to buy bottles of rum at a discount, but since we were traveling with carry-on bags only, we chose not to purchase anything at the time. We will, however, definitely look for them at our local liquor stores and certainly buy one of them the next time we are need of some rum for a party. If you have a few hours to spend while you are in New Orleans, taking a tour at the Old New Orleans Rum Distillery is certainly a worthwhile activity.

Classic Mai Tai – Cure for a Beach State of Mind

Since winter has been lingering around too long here in Colorado, we’ve been longing for the beach and sun. Our solution, a drink that will take you away to memories of an ocean breeze and salt air.  There are a lot of ways to make a Mai Tai, but this is the classical way that we used to make it back when we worked at the resort where we first met.  It seems especially fitting since today is our 26th wedding anniversary that we share a cocktail that reminds us of when we first met.

Classic Mai Tai


  • 1 1/2 ounces (1 jigger) of Coconut Rum
  • 1/2 ounce of Dark Rum
  • 3 ounces of Orange Juice (preferably fresh)
  • 2 ounces of Pineapple Juice
  • 1/2 ounce of Grenadine
  • Ice
Ready for a Drink


In a shaker, add ice, the coconut rum, orange juice, pineapple juice and shake vigorously. Pour the punch into a highball glass filled about three-quarters full with ice.  Slowly pour the grenadine over punch, it will sink to the bottom of the glass.  Float the dark rum onto the top of the punch, either by pouring slowly using a pour-spout or, if you don’t have one, by pouring over the back of a spoon.  Garnish with pineapple and maraschino cherries and enjoy.  This recipe makes a single cocktail, so feel free to repeat until you can smell the beach. 🙂

Shaken Not Stirred
Add the Grenadine
Float the Dark Rum
It isn’t Beachy Until it is Garnished
Now that is a Mai Tai