Staying at Lodges and Camps During Our Recent African Safari

Needless to say, there are many different places to stay when going on a safari and those places are dependent on your guides and the price that you are willing to pay. We did what is considered a mid-tier safari, which is different than what you would expect from a luxury safari, but we found it to be more than adequate. The places that we stayed at varied as we traversed the migration path through the various national parks and reserves in Kenya and Tanzania. Some were in the parks themselves, some were just outside the parks, they included tents, lodges, and bungalows. They all had restaurants and a bar that served refreshments, but again the styles varied greatly.

Our Tent at Zebra Plains Amboseli Camp
They Certainly Made Us Feel Welcome
Firepits Were Quite Common to Sit and Enjoy the Views
The Bar at Zebra Plains
Restaurant Area
We Had the Essentials
Trail Through the Camp at Amboseli

Our trip started with a two night stay at the Zebra Plains Amboseli Camp. As with many of the places where we stayed, you weren’t allowed to be out at dark without having one of the guards at the camp escorting you. We certainly understood why after our first night at the camp as we heard a hyena on our front porch and heard elephants and other animals as they made their way through the camp to the watering hole that was located next to the camp. Although the camp is technically located outside of the Amboseli National Park, there are no fences and the wildlife can be found outside of the park as much as inside. It certainly made for an excellent start to our safari adventure.

Our Room at Pamoja Africa Lodge
Bar at the Pamoja Africa Lodge
An Actual Dining Room at Pamoja
Home Grown Herbs at the Pamoja Africa Lodge
Our Bungalow at Bougainvillea Lodge
Our Room at Bougainvillea Lodge
Cozy Fireplace and Sitting Area in Our Room at Bougainvillea Lodge
Bar at the Bougainvillea Lodge

From Amboseli National Park, we headed to Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro Crater. Although both locations are accessible from the same small town, we stayed at two different locations for the two nights that we spent there. The first was at the Pamoja Africa Lodge, which was definitely a change of pace from the tent at Amboseli. Because we were in a town, there wasn’t any wildlife at the lodges and the accommodations were closer to a hotel than some of the other places where we stayed. The second night we stayed at the Bougainvillea Lodge where we had more of a bungalow and even had a fireplace in our room that the staff lit for us. It was a level of comfort that we wouldn’t get again for a few days.

Our Tent at Thorn Tree Camp
Our Covered Bed at Thorn Tree
Sitting by the Firepit at Thorn Tree Camp
Sun Setting and the Restaurant Tent at Thorn Tree
Just One of the Sunsets from the Camp in the Serengeti National Park
Our Friendly Bartender at Thorn Tree Camp
Dinner at Thorn Tree Camp

Our next stop was to the heart of the Serengeti National Park where we would stay two nights at the Thorn Tree Camp. Located in the center of the park, this camp would definitely be more rustic than the previous two lodges. It didn’t mean that they didn’t try there best to make us comfortable and the staff were extremely nice. They set chairs up for us around the firepit where we could sit and watch the amazing sunsets. We saw several different animals wandering through the camp and could see herds of zebras and wildebeest from our tent. Being as secluded as we were, we were able to enjoy looking up at the night sky with all of the brilliant stars. We really felt like we were on safari while we stayed at Thorn Tree Camp.

Inside of Our Tent at Maasai Mara
View from Our Porch at Zebra Plains Mara Camp
Firepit and Amazing Views of Maasai Mara from the Camp
Maasai Warriors Performing at the Camp
Areas to Relax at the Mara Camp
Path to Our Tent at Zebra Plains Mara Camp
Dining Rooms at the Mara Camp

After leaving the Serengeti National Park, we headed north to the Maasai Mara where we would spend two nights at Zebra Plains Mara Camp, which is a sister property to the Zebra Plains Amboseli Camp. After the couple of days in the tents in the Serengeti, it was quite refreshing to stay at the camp in Maasai Mara. Not only was the staff extremely friendly, the Maasai warriors even gave us a demonstration of their traditional warrior dances and songs. We were still surrounded by wildlife and we had a water buffalo who decided to feed outside of our tent and just after we went to bed on the first night,and a leopard decided to wander through the restaurant. Although we weren’t required to have an escort after dark, there were warriors posted all around the camp to ensure that everyone was safe.

Front of the Lake Naivasha Country Club
Animals on the Lawn of Lake Naivasha
Our Room at Lake Nakuru
Lounge and Bar at the Lake Nakuru Lodge
The Pool at Lake Nakuru
View from Our Porch at Lake Nakuru
Restaurant with an Amazing View at Lake Nakuru
Inside Restaurant at the Lake Nakuru Lodge

On our last two nights, we were treated to a couple of locations that were more upscale than staying at the camps in the parks. First we stayed at the Lake Naivasha Country Club where we relaxed and simply enjoyed the beautiful scenery. There were views of the lake and antelopes and zebras wandered the grounds. There was a large buffet for both dinner and breakfast where you could find a wide variety of offerings. Our last night was spent at the Lake Nakuru Lodge, which was truly a wonderful way to end our safari. Not only does the lodge have everything that you could want, including a pool, but the staff was extremely friendly and helpful. The views of the lake from our room and the wildlife wandering all around us made it one of our favorite places that we stayed at during the ten night safari trip.

The General Itinerary for Our Upcoming African Safari

It is hard to believe that we are only a few days away from departing for our 12 day African Safari. To be clear, until we’re sitting on the plane leaving from Frankfurt to Nairobi, the last leg of the outbound trip, we are taking nothing for granted. Although we are fully vaccinated, we still have to get a negative COVID PCR test that is taken 96 hours prior to arriving in Nairobi. We don’t need one for flying from the United States through Frankfurt, but obviously we will have them anyway. Once we arrive in Nairobi this Sunday evening, our adventure will start first thing that Monday morning. It will be a very full itinerary, but one that we are very excited about. (pictures included are not our own as we obviously haven’t been on the safari yet 😉)

Day 1 – We drive from our hotel in Nairobi to our lodge at the Amboseli National Park, which is located in Tanzania. Even though we will start our day with a several hour drive, we will still spend the afternoon enjoying our first game viewing drive. This is one of the few lodges where we will spend more than a single night, but fortunately we’re packing light.

Day 2 – We have a full day in the Amboseli National Park, which has views of Mount Kilimanjaro in the distance. We will either spend a full day out on game viewing drives or do a morning and afternoon game viewing drive with time at the lodge to relax in between. We will certainly enjoy having the opportunity to spend a second night in the lodge.

Day 3 – In the morning we will drive from Amboseli National Park to Lake Manyara. We will once again enjoy an afternoon game viewing drive before spending the night in the lodge.

Day 4 – We will have the opportunity for both morning and afternoon game viewing drives before making the drive from Lake Manyara to Ngorongoro. Ngorongoro features the world’s largest, inactive and intact volcanic caldera, but it is the abundance of wildlife that are the true attraction.

Day 5 – We make the drive from Ngorongoro to the Serengeti National Park where will we spend two nights at our lodge there. We will get to go for an afternoon game viewing drive inside of the Serengeti National Park.

Day 6 – We get a full day exploring the Serengeti National Park with either a full day game drive or once again breaking it up into morning and afternoon game viewing drives. The Serengeti is a World Heritage Site and will certainly be just one of many highlights of our safari.

Day 7 – From the Serengeti, we drive back to Kenya to visit the famous Masai Mara. Along the way to the last of our two-night lodge stays, we will get to enjoy a variety of wildlife.

Day 8 – We enjoy a full day in the Masai Mara, which boasts some of the most diverse numbers of wildlife anywhere in the world. Due to COVID, we will likely not get to go to one of the local villages, but we are hopeful that we have that opportunity.

Day 9 – Continuing our circular safari circuit, we go from the Masai Mara to Lake Naivasha. We will get to enjoy an afternoon boat ride followed by more game and bird viewing.

Day 10 – We make our way from Lake Naivasha to Lake Nakuru, which is famous for the flocks of flamingos that visit the lake, although their numbers have diminished somewhat. Both lakes also provide opportunities to see hippos, which are one of the most dangerous animals for people on safari.

Day 11 – Exhausted, we leave Lake Nakuru to return to Nairobi and enjoy a relaxing evening in our hotel there. After 10 nights in lodges and tent camps, a night in a modern hotel will be a nice change of pace.

Day 12 – We have a full day tour of Nairobi where we’ll enjoy seeing a baby elephant orphanage, the famous Giraffe Center, and see the local bead artisans. It will also provide us the opportunity to get our COVID test, which is necessary for our return trip to the United States.

Day 13 – We have a full day on our own in Nairobi. We have nothing planned at this point and will likely use it visit some of the local markets or simply relax before the long flight home that doesn’t start until late in the evening the following day.

As you can clearly tell, when we said that we had a very full itinerary for our trip, we weren’t kidding. In addition to everything listed above, at one point during the safari, we are hoping to go for a balloon ride to see the amazing scenery and animals from the air. Not only is it our first trip in over a year and a half, it is likely the only time that we’ll have the opportunity to visit this part of Africa, so we wanted to make sure that we made the most of our time.