How Time Flies – Lóndrangar and the Malariff Lighthouse on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in Iceland
It is hard to believe that it has been 7 years since our trip to Iceland. One of our favorite memories in Iceland was driving around the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. It was recommended to us by the staff at the hotel and it was certainly one of the highlights of our trip. The Golden Circle is… Read more
Affectionate Animals in the African Grasslands
When we went on our eleven-day safari a couple of years ago. It was great to be able to spend so much time up-close and personal with all of the various animals. One thing that quickly became apparent was that animals of all kinds showed affection to one another. Knowing that their lives were in… Read more
The Unique Architecture in the Historic District of Plovdiv in Bulgaria
It is a full-day trip to visit the historic town of Plovdiv in Bulgaria from the capital city of Sofia, but it is definitely worth the time that it takes. The town, like so much of the region, has a history that goes back to the Trojans, then the Greeks, followed by the Romans, and… Read more
Where do you want to go?
Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting. Read more
Visiting the Hot Springs and Ruins at Pamukkale in Southwestern Turkey
Of all of the interesting places that we visited during our trip to Kusadasi was the day trip that we took to see Pamukkale. It is both a destination for locals and visitors to spend time in the soothing hot springs or to glide off of the cliffs in a hang-glider as well as the… Read more