The Trinity Place Bank Vault Restaurant and Bar in Lower Manhattan

As with everyplace that we visit, food is central to the overall experience. One of the more unique restaurants that we ate at while we were in New York City was the Trinity Place Bank Vault Restaurant and Bar, which is located near the Trinity Church in Lower Manhattan. The restaurant is literally built in the inside of what was once the largest and strongest bank vault in the world. It is a casual restaurant that serves Irish and American style food.

Inside of the Vault Door
Bar with the Windows to the Street
Restaurant Seating

Sitting at the bar, you can watch people on the street above walking by as the restaurant is partially below street level. What makes the place unique are the huge vault doors that provide the entrance to the restaurant. After passing through the vault door, there are some the old, barred doors that served as additional security within the vault. We have been to many different restaurants and bars that have been converted from churches, banks, and other unique locations during our travels and always find them to be fascinating.

Old Newspaper Article
View Through the Vault Door
Looking Out from the Restaurant
Pulled Pork for Lunch
Another View of the Entrance

5 thoughts on “The Trinity Place Bank Vault Restaurant and Bar in Lower Manhattan

  1. jasonlikestotravel

    Looks like a pretty cool place to visit, I’ll have to try it out next time I visit NYC.

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